FFXIV Marauder (MRD) Leveling Guide & Rotation | ShB UPDATED

How to level up your Marauder (MRD) fast! Learn all about your skills, role actions, and how to level up HERE!

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Hi! Reading this means you’re leveling up a Marauder. A great class to solo and party with, this Marauder leveling guide can help you level up faster and easier than it already is! Let the carnage begin!

Please NOTE, this Marauder Leveling Guide is meant to be used in along side the FFXIV General Leveling Guide. Just a reminder, if this is your first character – follow your story quest! If you need to know more about the: basics of a Marauder, you can check that out. Don’t know where the MRD guild is? It’s in Limsa. If you have any Accuracy Food, good. Is your battle chocobo ready? Good.

Hold on, I’m above L30 – I’m a Warrior! Then get over to the WAR Leveling Guide.

Marauder: the early levels

If you’re fresh Marauder – go start up with your hunting log. A level one character doing hunting logs + participating in level appropriate FATES is the fastest way to level up in the early levels. In the case of Marauders, you’re gonna be walking around Lower and Western La Noscea  a lot. The early levels are bad… if you really wanted to, you can get more EXP here by doing levequests in Red Rooster Stead (Level 1 & Level 5), which is a west of Tempest Gate from Limsa (Lower La Noscea).

protip: If you have some cross-class skills availabe – hands down Protect (CNJ 8) and Second Wind (PGL 8) are your best bets. They will prevent alot of deaths, and will enable you to kill enemies you have no business killing.

Level 4 skill reminder – Skull Sunder: This is your introduction to combos. This skill combos from Heavy Swing, and deals extra damage if successful. You’ll have quite a few more of these in the future, but it’s good to be aware of what and how combos work as early as now.

Level 6 Skill reminder – Fracture: An extremely good DoT (especially later on), you should open all fights with tougher enemies using Fracture. As with all DoT’s, you have to make sure enemies live long enough for them to suffer the full duration for a DoT to gain “value”.

Level 8 Skill reminder – Bloodbath: Super underrated. Bloodbath gives you ‘lifesteal’, allowing you to take on more enemies than you should be able to.

You can get to level 10 Marauder just doing the above. When you hit level 10 – make sure to complete all unfinished hunting logs before going forward. Also, check your unspent attribute points – place them all in STRENGTH.  Dont forget, Go back to the Marauder guildmaster every 5 levels – level 1 5 and 10 – make sure these class quests are done before moving on. Do this as soon as possible for each 5 level interval in the future!

Level 10 Skill Reminder – Brutal Swing: An off GCD skill that you should be using always for DPS, or saving to interrupt enemy skills. Get used to it!

Marauder Level 10 to 16

Once you hit level 10, you can now do Guildhests. Not unlocked yet? Go to the nearest town (likely Swiftperch) and unlock it. Guildhests have a large EXP bonus for first time completion with any class. ON TOP OF THAT, you can queue up for Daily Roulette: Guildhests, to get bonus exp once a day! For now, queue up the guildhests Under the Armor and Basic Training: Enemy Parties. AGAIN: you get the bonus for EACH CLASS on your first completion!

Now go next door over to Aleport in Western La Noscea. Aleport is THE place to grind FATEs in this level – it’s highly populated and the FATEs spawn fast and close together. Again, if FATEs aren’t popping – take the levequests in Aleport. Too easy? Max out the difficulty meter. Too hard? Leves in Swiftperch. Go on and grind until you reach level 16.

Level 12 Skill Reminder: Overpower, Literally an OVERPOWERED SKILL, does very decent frontal cone AoE damage and generates a huge amount of threat. Very useful in dungons, and useful solo when smacking 3+ guys at once.

Reminder Level 15: Queue up for the two new Guildhests – Basic Training: Enemy Strongholds, and Hero on the Halfshell.

Level 15 Skill Reminder: Tomahawk, obtained by completing the L15 MRD class quest, is your only ranged attack. While not super useful for soloing, it’s good for dungeons… speaking of…

Level 16 – the turning point: Once your Marauder hits 16, you can unlock Duty Roulette: Low level  dungeon. This gives a CHUNKERSON EXP BONUS ONCE A DAY. If you haven’t unlocked Challenge Log, do so. (It initially unlocks at level 16) Find out how to unlock Challenge Log in the General Leveling Guide. Once you reach Level 16, the rest gets a lot easier. Queue up for it ASAP!

Cross-class skills: Since you’ll be doing dungeons, getting Flash (GLD 8) is a great way to save TP (Don’t abuse overpower spam!). Less downtime is always good. Oh, its great for tagging FATEs, too.

Dungeons as a MRD: Tomahawk the guy you want the group to kill first, then Flash or Overpower the enemy team once or twice before doing your single target combo. This tanking microguide (this paragraph) will get you a LONG WAY.

Level 18 Skill Reminder – Maim: an EXTREMELY power skill which bolsters damage by a significant amount. It MUST be combod from Heavy Swing for this effect to take place. Always, and I mean always have this up.

Marauder: finishing up to level 20: From here, finish off your tier 2 hunting log. If you want a change of scenery Bentbranch Meadows (East Shroud) and Camp Drybone (Eastern Thanalan) are also L15+ areas. Once again: allocate all stat points to STR, and complete all MRD class quests before moving on.


Marauder Level 20 – 30

Keep doing what you’ve been doing to get up to this point: Daily Guildhest, Daily Low Level Roulette. Head over to Quarrymill (South Shroud) and do Fates/Leves in this area. You might be feeling the effect of sucky gear by now – but you’ve been doing the Dungeon Roulette – right? Again, Accuracy Food is a larger help than you might imagine.

Reminder Level 20: Queue up for the two new Guildhests – Pulling Poison Posies & Stinging Back.

Level 22 Skill Reminder – Berserk: A crazy DPS cooldown… use it OFTEN. A nice bonus when soloing, and integral for single target tanking – this skill is much more important than you can imagine as a young Marauder.

Alternate FATE spot mid 20’s: A great place to reddit/watch shows/movies while  camping the fates around the Highbridge area (Like this), there’s an very high number of FATE’s here, but they’re chained up. This is great when waiting for your queue to pop (Not likely a problem for Marauders).

Reminder Level 25: Queue up for the two new Guildhests – All’s Well that Ends in the Well & Flicking Sticks and Taking Names.

At Level 28: Move on to Costa Del Sol, Eastern La Noscea. FATE and Leve it up here till you hit 30. Hit 30? Again, before going, allocate all unused stat points to STR, complete all MRD hunting log entries, and MRD class quests.

Marauder 30 onwards: What to do?

After completing your (final) L30 MRD class quest, you get Butchers Block (skill). From here you have two main choices:

  • Warrior (requires Gladiator 15 and MRD 30)
  • Alternate job path not yet released

If you’re planning to level a WAR – you can jump right to our Warrior Leveling Guide. You may still need the Gladiator Leveling Guide, too.

Sadly, there is no second job path for Marauders yet – but i’m looking forward to updating this filler sentence in the near future :)

Thank you for using our Marauder Leveling Guide! Hope it helped a bit! You’ve come far – but you’ve still got quite a bit of an ‘axe to grind’! For more awesome FFXIV updates, go ahead and Like us on Facebook – and if you need to drop a line, follow us on Twitter!

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