FFXIV Void Ark: Quick boss guides, Loot list & FAQ

Void Ark simple Boss Strategy Guide, Loot list and FAQ such as how to unlock Void Ark, etc.

How to Unlock Void Ark!? Unlocking Void Ark is done via the quest chain Sky Pirates, found in the Pillars (14,10) NPC: Unquiet Trader (Nearest Aethernet would be Athenaeum Astrologicum). Its only pre-requisite is beating the main story quest (Heavensward).

Void Ark is a 24 man raid that drops iLevel 200 gear, and an Item you can trade in for Illuminati Gobcoat and Illuminati Gobtwine. The duty is in a weird place, design wise, since Diadem Gear is better than this and it was implemented in the same patch. I won’t question SE’s intent, I’m just here to help you guys out lol.

As with any 24 man raid in FF, When in doubt, avoid the shiny colorful AoE. Another useful tip is to always focus target the boss so you will know if it’s casting something funny.

Update note: Mechanics are fully fleshed out (the really important ones, or at least the ones I can remember). I cannot update item links since XIVDB wont go live with 3.1 until after the weekend! Will fix on second pass.


Void Ark 1st boss: Stingray (Cetus)

Adds! Have a line AoE that you can “reduce” by WALKING TOWARDS it.

Green Marker, Divebomb: Boss travels from his current location to the marked guy, while dropping water bombs with a large AoE. If you’re the target, try to make the “least hassling path” for the group. Don’t stress, the divebomb is really slow.

Donut AoE: after some divebombs he will land at a certain place, wherein the safe spot is right around him. Don’t be too far from him.

Help, we’re drowning! Chill, just kill the nearest water ball near you. People inside can’t help people outside and vice versa. It’s a mini DPS check.

Void Ark 2nd boss: Dog and Pole (Sawtooth & Irminsul)

!Important – Boss Proximity: Tank them away from each other. The pole pulses periodically (purple AoE). If it hits the dog, it gains a permanent damage+ buff. At 16 stacks, it will begin one-shotting people.

!Important: After a short time each of them gains a certain buff: One will always be immune to magic, one will always be immune RANGED.

  • Melee can hit anything.
  • BRD/MCH has to hit the magic immune guy.
  • Casters / Healer has to hit the “immune to ranged”.

Mucus: Tethers a bunch of people together, rendering them useless. Breaking these chains is easy – simply “cut” it by walking across them!

Muddy AoE: This grey bubbling AoE spawns randomly, and also spawns wherever adds die. While the damage isn’t really noteworthy – if enough (16?) people get hit the boss goes into enrage mode that will probably wipe the party shortly after.

Void Ark 3rd Boss: Tentacle Fat (Cuchulainn)

There’s a raid-wide bleed that increases in power the longer the fight goes. Healers don’t be afraid to use AoE healing! You can and will wipe if DPS is really slow.

Avoid the vomit! This skill is DEADLY. There’s no floor effect so be careful! It can and will kill you after only a few short seconds inside.

Tentacles Raised up! Go in between two tentacles so you wont get hit.

Floor turned to poison! Find the nearest safety platform – there’s on in every corner.

Slime adds! When these spawn, try to kill them asap. The boss will use a cone AoE. If it hits a slime, he will eat it and gain a permanent damage+. Pull them away from the AoE if they cannot be bursted.

Black Ball! Facetank this (run into it) if you’re near it. After a short duration it will do raidwide damage.

Void Ark Last Boss: Mantis Melusine (Echidna)

Petrifaction: Just like SCoB T7 Melusine – you must FACE AWAY from her so you wont get stunned & VUL UP. Thankfully unlike T7 it wears off after a few seconds. (Skillname unsure)

Abyssal Reaper – Circular AoE with no floor effect: it’s a large circle that gives VUL UP to all people afflicted. It’s the only worrisome mechanic here really. RUN OUT OF THIS!

Sickle Strike: is a basic tank buster. Pre-cast heals, and light tank mitigation preferred. Deadly with VUL UPs. Easily taken for granted, but don’t slack off on these.

Shared AoE: Large arrows appear on a random raid member. HELP THIS GUY by stacking with him/her.

Deez Snakes: Two of the three snakes will be tethered. You must bring them far away from each other. The two tethered snakes are always Dexter and the non-Echidna one (What’s his name again!?).

Void Ark: Loot list & Notable Loot

Tank1, 23, 41, 41, 32, 42, 3
Healer1, 23, 41, 41, 32, 42, 3
Caster1, 23, 41, 41, 32, 42, 3
BRD/MCH1, 23, 41, 41, 32, 42, 3
DRG1, 23, 41, 41, 32, 42, 3
MNK1, 23, 41, 41, 32, 42, 3
NIN1, 23, 41, 41, 32, 42, 3

Grats to SE for eliminating the question ‘Which boss drops what item!?‘ with very intuitive loot drops in 3.1. Note that the final boss also has a chance to drop Coffin Lid (Furniture Crafting Item) and Wind-up Echidna (Minion).

At the end of your first Void Ark every week you get a Mhachi Farthing. Trade these in Idylshire (5,5) NPC: Bertana, Wondrous Sundries I for Illuminati Gobcoat or Illuminati Gobtwine.

As the game enters later patches, weekly limitations on gear / turn-in item will likely be removed.

Important mechanics are all noted (If I forgot something critical please lemme know!). Item linking is the main concern here, but I can’t update that since XIVDB 3.1 won’t be up till after the weekend.

Good luck with Void Ark! While the gear is largely overshadowed by Diadem, these can be great for glamours!

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FFXIV Minion Battles (Lord of Verminion) Guide

FFXIV’s minion battles, or “Lord of Verminion” was released in Patch 3.1 (Heavensward era). It’s basically an RTS like a simplified version of Starcraft.

How to unlock Minion Battles? Travel to Gold Saucer, then go to Chocobo Square via the aether net (Or talk to the Lift Operator if you’re walking) Once you’re here simply walk to the right side (It’s a new wing) and make sure to attune to the new aether crystal there (Minion Square).

Click on one of the Lord of Verminion Tables, and if it’s your first time you’ll be prompted with the help text!

Lord of Verminion: The Basics!

If you’re a first timer click on (From the table) Play Guide > Hotbar Edition. This teaches you how to edit your minion hotbar! You can access this anywhere in the world via: Character > Gold Saucer > Verminion, or Opening your Minion Guide and pressing the new button on the lower right.

You can access every minion you own while in-game, but they’re much easier to summon from the minion hotbar. If you’re a beginner – It’s best that you try to complete as many of the Verminion Challenge’s as you can!


All about Minions!

Effectivity vs. Buildings: To easily remember these icons – “G E Sh A”, or Gate, Eye, Shield, Arcana Stones. So when in doubt, remember GESHA! If that memoir isn’t enough for you – too bad! I’ll be talking about these buildings in the next section

Effectivity vs Other Minions: Each minion type is more effective at defeating another minion type. With the exception of Gadgets (Grey), that have no bonuses
or weaknesses to any minion type.

Poppet (Yellow) > Critter (Green) > Beast (Red) > Poppet (Yellow) Etc…

Special Action: Each minion has their own unique ‘Limit Break’ (The official name is different, but it makes a lot more sense this way). Like player limit breaks, they must be performed in a light party of at least four! Keep in mind, it only works for FOUR OF THE EXACT SAME MINION! This LB seems to charge while doing anything, even movement!

Other Basic Stats: Basic stuff like ATK, DEF, HP also includes wether they do single target damage or AoE damage

All about Structures!

Gate: Portals from where your minions come out. A B or C. Disabling the structure disallows minions to come out of them until they respawn.

Shield: Protects your crystals with a shield that refreshed every so often. Killing this structure removes all shields from crystals until it comes up again.

Seeing-Eye: Allows you to see enemy units and movement. Having this structure disabled results in you not being able to see anything outside the range of your units & buildings. While quite a good target in PvP, I’m not so sure this works vs AI.

Arcana Stones: for all intents and purposes, your life bar. If you have none remaining, well, “You ded”. I call them Crystals at some points in this guide.

With the exception of crystals, all structures self regenerate over time if destroyed.

Lord of Verminion: Basic Strategy

Before I proceed, let me share a word of wisdom I always liked in regards to strategy games:

“In any game state, you could probably make 10 choices. 6 are wrong, and you might lose because of it.
3 are right, and will lead to your win – but there’s only one BEST move.”

Given the above quote, I cannot possibly give you advice for the BEST MOVE every time – that’s for all of us to figure out each time we play. I can give you the tools and ideas that might lead you to the 3 “correct” moves.

Send in groups of preferably five!

Using a pet limit break is such a game changer that ensuring it is worth the extra unit (moreso for lower cost units). If a straight 4v4 happened, whoever (semi RNG) loses the first unit will likely lose badly. Sending in packs of 5 or, in some cases even more is better! Basically insurance that your LB comes out is worth the small investment of an extra unit. This is more effective on cheap units, obviously.

Range: Risk vs Reward

While some LB’s are extremely powerful, they are gimped by RANGE. A large circle is much easier to aim than a cone! The LB always comes from the minion you clicked so be careful! This is why I value large circular LB’s over cone LB’s. While some of the smaller range LB’s might be good, again, It’s a risk vs reward thing. I find the consistency of large AoE more than make up for the lack of power. Even then, hitting more targets will easily outscale LB’s with a tiny AoE.

This also goes for traps. While you might not always hit with a trap ASAP, it’s fine. If you placed it on an important zone, enemies won’t just waltz in there without expecting a beating. Trap AoE is huge and gives a substantial advantage in battle if you know how to use ’em.

What are the best minions?

“Another site lists all minion stats – check it out!”

While there is ALWAYS the absolute best minion to summon for each scenario, obviously the limiting factors are “Can you think of it fast enough?”.

First of all, I’ll put my own table of notable minions here. Then, in the bottom most secion are more specific notes on how to look for the minions you need! You can filter, sort and search by interacting with the table (also an option to increase rows shown).

As I was making my list of “imba minions”, the exercise became rather strange. For each time I thought “at this minion is good”, inevitably “ah but this guy counters it!”. Ultimately I’ll first of all list good practices in identifying great minions – it’s a far better resource than plainly listing “imba minions”.

Generic go-to Offensive minions

Poppet (Yellow) : Wind-up Ixal, Wind-up Shantotto, Wind-up Sea Devil, Wind-up Yugiri, Set of Primogs, Wind-up Zundu Warrior.

Critter (Green): Chigoe Larva, Wolf Pup, Mini Mole, Garlic Jester, Tomato King.

Beast (Red): Buffallo Calf, Wind-up Succubus, Zu Hatchling, Naughty Nanka. Behemoth Heir

Gadget (Grey): Wind-up Airship, Iron Dwarf (IMBA),

The most basic offensive minion has the (what I like to call), “ATK up: Racial” or “Party ATK up”. Since this ability has a different name per minion let’s just refer to it as those.  Here’s what this does –

  • ATK up: Racial – Increases ATK of all allies within range by 20 (40 if the ally is a critter). Duration: 6s (Example: Wolf Pup)
  • ATK up: Party – Increases action party ATK by 40. Duration: 15s (Example: Buffalo Calf)
  • ATK up: All – Increases ATk of all allies within range by 25. Duration: 6s (Example: Wind-up Zundu Warrior)

These abilities are so good because they’re a SUREFIRE way to increase DPS, and unlike reactive skills or nukes – they work AGAINST STRUCTURES. Note that Racial ATK up usually affects all allies in range regardless of type, and party ATK up only affects all minions in the battle party.

Defensive minions?

Any minion with high hp/armor make good units to delay the enemy from attacking your structures. They serve as great distractions – bonus points if they have multi-target attack. Extremely tanky minions do well as sacrifices when enemies are killing your base – imagine a stream of sacrificial minions 1 by 1 delaying their small group. It seems like value lost at first but you’re tying up their resources while not losing much yourself.

Healing minions are also very notable. They have their uses in PvE and PvP. I listed the ones I found below. While their base stats aren’t too good defensively, their survivability firmly puts them in the defensive minion categoty.

Healer Minions: Wind-up Warrior of Light (WHM)(Y), Louisoux(Y), Mandragora Queen (G),

Speed: how good is it?

Any minion with a high speed rating is godlike in its own regard. Here’s the general rule with speedy minions

“High-speed minions can travel fast, but generally lack BASE combat stats”

So, how is this good? It all depends on your playstyle. High speed minions tend to perform better with skirmish strategies – but given the difficulty of the current UI this isn’t as easy as it sounds. A great example of this would be Lesser Panda: a popular unit used to kill gates quickly.

Traps and Trap Clearing

Generally speaking…

“Planting traps are better than sweeping them”

It’s simple really. Since traps are mostly offensive (and insanely powerful), planting them on an objective is a great way to utilize your LB without the “is it the right time to use it?” factor bothering you. They’re likely to pay off no matter what.

Now, for clearing traps (Gobbue, Demon Box, etc) this is the reverse. First of all reactive LB’s are far worse and more difficult to use than proactive ones. (Debuffing is better than Esuna LB’s, for another example). Why? Because you’re not always guaranteed to have LB when you need it.

For example, if they put the trap, and you don’t have LB – value lost.
If you have LB, but there’s no trap – value lost.

The same logic applies for buff/debuff and esuna LB’s. You’re more likely to error on the cleansing then error on the application.

WELL, I guess that’s about it for now. I don’t know what else to write about but this seems to be a good beginners guide to LoV. This game is more strategically deep than I thought it was, and can be a stand-alone game in itself! GLHF and I gotta say they’re damn cute.

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FFXIV 3.0 Dark Knight (DRK) BiS for Heavensward

HEAVENSWARD UPDATED! DRK Best in slot guide! “I need BALLAD AND PAEON!”, DRK Esoterics buy order, melding and more!

Sadly, there isn’t any Piety on ’em! Welcome to our Dark Knight Best-in-slot gear guide! We discuss here gearing options for BOTH DPS CENTRIC DRK’s and PARRY/EHP CENTRIC DRK’s. So no matter which camp of tanking you follow, or whatever your group needs – you can see both options right here!

Navigation: Dark Knight BiS
DRK BiS | Discussion | Esoterics Buy Order

Heavensward Dark Knight Best-in-Slot

TANK BiS DISCLAIMER: I don’t buy into the whole ALL TANKS SHOULD DPS or ALL TANKS SHOULD HAVE MAX EHP! It all depends on your group, level & speed of progression, and personal preference. As such, I will list both options. (Related Read: Parry vs DPS)

For the sake of “interchangeable filler slots”, Chaos <-> Gordian serve as natural replacements to each other (May or may not be discussed within guide, but take that as an ‘unspoken truth’).

DRK SlotDPSNo gil to meld?Parry & EHP
WeaponDeathbringer-Gordian Greatsword
HeadChaos BurgeonnetChaos Burgeonnet
BodyGordian Plate Mail of FendingChaos Cuirass
GlovesChaos GauntletsGordian Gauntlets of Fending
BeltFabled Belt of Fending Gordian Tassets of Fending
LegsGordian Breeches of FendingChaos Flanchard
BootsChaos SolleretsBest 210 MixGordian Sollerets of Fending
NeckFabled Necklace of SlayingGordian Neckband of FendingFabled Necklace of Fending
EarringsGordian Earrings of SlayingGordian Earrings of SlayingGordian Earrings of Fending
BraceletFabled Bracelet of SlayingFabled Bracelet of SlayingGordian Wristbands of Fending
RingGordian Ring of SlayingGordian Ring of SlayingGordian Ring of Fending
RingFabled Ring of SlayingFabled Ring of SlayingFabled Ring of Fending
FoodBaked Pipira Pira-Almond Cream Croissant
Liver Cheese Sandwhich

SINCE MELDED RIGHT SIDE IS SO STRONG FOR TANKS, tank gear should be thought as two separate entities: Leftside (armor) and right side (accessories). There’s a million ways to setup the right side, but the left is pretty much set in stone given your goals. (Purely ignoring the top accessories and using melded is A GREAT CHOICE / OPTION)


Dark Knight Accessories: Choices & Melding

Considering crafted right as BiS for tanks is 100% legit

Equip onSlot 1Slot 2Slot 3Slot 4Slot 5
Chrysolite Earrings of FendingSTR IVSTR IVSTR IVSTR IVSTR III
Chrysolite Bracelets of FendingSTR IVSTR IVSTR IVSTR IVSTR III
Chrysolite Ring of SlayingVIT IVVIT IVVIT IVFREEVIT III+
Chrysolite Ring of SlayingVIT IVVIT IVVIT IVFREEVIT III+

For the (FREE) Slot, you can put ACC, DET or SS (rings).

Here’s how it works. Melded accessories will always have the highest overall power level. However, they will never be as tanky as a Fending accessory, and never be as strong as a Slaying one. The melding strategy above makes it so you can wear crafted from A1S to A4S no problemo.

DRK BiS Discussion, Notes & Options


Going for PURE SLAYING right side is a bit greedy, but definitely possible with a competent team. So we identify the suckiest accessories to replace with crafted.

  1. Fabled Ring of Slaying: It has accuracy… so it has that goin’ for it. Personally, I wouldn’t waste eso on these.
  2. Fabled Wristband of Slaying… SS/DET. Again, I wouldn’t buy these and just go for crafted.

The A3S legs are a KEY PART of this set, and hopefully you’ll get em! The Chaos counterpart is a poor filler – I wouldn’t waste eso on it.

Tanking / Parry DRK Set

Legs & Head – interchangeable: In the tanking list above we use Chaos Head and Chaos Leg. Keep in mind that this can be changed for Gordian Head, Gordian Leg. So if you’re lucky enough to get one of the gordian pieces early, just shoot for the gordian counterpart as well. A small but worthwhile to note value point, thay may save you over 1k ESO.

Chaos Cuirass is a MASSIVE increase in HP, Armor, MRes, Parry… basically a huge part of your defensive game. Tanks who choose to Gobtwine the chests over weapon are very common, and you should be one of them!!!

3.0 Dark Knight Esoterics Buy Order

“What should I purchase first with Esoterics for my DRK!?” Well, here you go!

DPS Dark Knight

  1. Weapon: The Deathbringer should be bought FIRST for DPS DRK’s. No question.
  2. Chaos Helm: Might as well, plus save A3 pages for Legs!
  3. Chaos Boots
  4. Fabled Belt
  5. Fabled Necklace, Ring (Any Order)
  7. Chest can be bought if you want to help your raid group. It’s quite the upgrade still.

With very few pieces needed, this set is powerful and easy to obtain.

On belt: If you have the Illuminati Gobcoat, buy it sooner than you would have.

PARRY / EHP Dark Knight

  1. Chest: Get these first and Gobtwine it if you can!
  2. Legs: Hmm.. (If you have the A3S legs – you can push this waaaaay down or optional)
  3. Weapon: You can buy this at any point during 1-3.
  4. Fabled Necklace, Ring (Any Order)

Navigation: Dark Knight BiS
DRK BiS | Discussion | Esoterics Buy Order

I hope you don’t break your back in search of your Dark Knight gear!

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FFXIV Warrior (WAR) Cross-class Skills (3.0+ Updated)

HEAVENSWARD UPDATED: What are the best Warrior Cross Class Skills? Find out the best cross-class skills of WAR and the best way to get them!

Go to our Stormblood updated
Tank Role Actions Guide

What are the Marauder-> Warrior Cross Class Skills? Here, we will be strictly discussing the cross-class skills Warrior can get.

How many cross-class skills can I get as a Warrior? Any job class may only equip five (5) cross-class skills.

From what other classes does Warrior get skills from? Gladiator and Pugilist.

What are the best Warrior cross-class skills? This is discussed below.

Full list of Warrior (WAR) Cross-class skills

NameIconLevelDescriptionFrom Class
Savage Blade4Attack that generates enmityGladiator (GLA)
Featherfoot4Increases evasionPugilist (PGL)
Flash8Increases enmity in all nearby enemiesGladiator (GLA)
Second Wind8Instantly restores own HPPugilist (PGL)
Convalescence10Increases HP restored by spells or actionsGladiator (GLA)
Haymaker10Delivers an blow after evading an attackPugilist (PGL)
Internal Release12Increases critical hit ratePugilist (PGL)
Provoke22Increases enmity in targetGladiator (GLA)
Awareness34Nullifies chance of suffering critical damageGladiator (GLA)
Mantra42Increases HP recovery via curing magic by 5% for self and nearby party membersPugilist (PGL)


Warrior (WAR) Cross-class skills discussion

SET IN STONE: Provoke > Internal Release > Convalescence > Awareness > (Last slot: FLEX)

Savage Blade – Useles since you have your own version.

Featherfoot, Haymaker – This duo is technically most utilized by the Warrior. Is it worth 2 slots? No… it really isn’t.

Flash – Is pretty good in 4-mans. It’s a contender for FLEX slot in SOME ENCOUNTERS ONLY.

Second Wind – Not bad. Doubles as an aggro generator! Contender for FLEX.

Convalescence – Really good, but it requires some coordination with healers (or a good sense of tanking) to maximize.

Internal Release – +Damage on Warrior… legit always.

Provoke – is technically a must-have for any encounter with a tank swap mechanic.

Mantra – While good for others to take, you have more important skills like…

Awareness – is good when now a days! A lot of encounter crit, and also fixes problems if you mess up Raw Intuition.

Ideal Warrior (WAR) Cross-class progression

  1. Marauder to 15 for: Unlocking other classes.
  2. Marauder to 30 for: WAR Requirement.
  3. Gladiator to 15 for: WAR Requirement.
  4. Monk to 8 for: Second Wind.
  5. WAR to 50 for: Maximum level.
  6. Monk to 12 for: Internal Release.
  7. Gladiator to 34 for: Awareness
  8.  Monk to 42 for: Mantra (All Cross Class Skills Obtained)


  • Warrior use skills from: Gladiator and Pugilist.
  • Best Warrior Cross-Class Skills:
    Provoke > Internal Release > Convalescence > Awareness > FLEX
  • Flex slots would likely be: Second Wind, Mantra or Flash. (Featherfoot is okay for 4’s)

More Info: Marauder | Warrior | MRD WAR Stats

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FFXIV (50-60) All DoH Levequest Items (+Class Quests)

A table of ALL levequest items needed by every DoH class for level 50 to 60. Class quest Items are included, as well as recipes.

Hey guys! I made this reference guide because I’d always want to see all of this in one place. For those furious levelers (or scheming moneymakers) out there! Enjoy! Every possible levequest and class quest item required for Level 50 to 60 Disciples of Hand!


Table of Levequest Items & Recipe (DOH 50-60)

Use the sort and filter functions!

ClassLv.Type#Levequest NameItem NameRecipe Preview
ALC50S1The Moustache Suits HimEnchanted Mythrite Inkhttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2776/Enchanted-Mythrite-Ink
ALC50S1Summoning for DummiesArchaeoskin Codexhttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2768/Archaeoskin-Codex
ALC50T2Forged From The VoidVoid Gluehttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2759/Void-Glue
ALC52S1Steeling the Knife, Steeling the MindGrade 1 Mind Dissolventhttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2789/Grade-1-Mind-Dissolvent
ALC52S1Can't Sleep, Inquisitors will Eat MeWyvernskin Grimoirehttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2764/Wyvernskin-Grimoire
ALC52T2Consecrating CongregationHoly Waterhttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2779/Holy-Water
ALC54S1Adhesive of AntipathyWing Gluehttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2760/Wing-Glue
ALC54S1Tomes on the RangeDhalmelskin Codexhttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2770/Dhalmelskin-Codex
ALC54T2Warding Off TemptationEnchanted Hardsilver Inkhttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2777/Enchanted-Hardsilver-Ink
ALC56S1Cleansing the Wicked HumoursHallowed Waterhttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2780/Hallowed-Water
ALC56S1Volunteering with StaffHallowed Chestnut Wandhttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2762/Hallowed-Chestnut-Wand
ALC56T2Rolling on InitiativeDraconian Potion of Dexterityhttp://xivdb.com/?item/12623/Draconian-Potion-of-Dexterity
ALC58S1Filling in the BlanksEnchanted Aurum Regis Inkhttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2778/Enchanted-Aurum-Regis-Ink
ALC58S1There was a Late FeeNoble Goldhttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/31197/Noble-Gold
ALC58T2The Grave of Hemlock Groves2 Growth Formula Thetahttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2782/Growth-Formula-Theta
ARM50S3Rivets Run Through ItMythrite Rivethttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2824/Mythrite-Rivets
ARM50S1Your Tassets Hanging outMythrite Tassets of MaimingMythrite Tassets of Maiming
ARM50T2Don't Scuttle with ScutumsMythrite Scutum x2http://xivdb.com/?recipe/2338/Mythrite-Scutum
ARM52S1Cut the Alembical CordMythrite Alembichttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2395/Mythrite-Alembic
ARM52S1Let Faith Light the WayMythrite Bladed Lantern Shieldhttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2339/Mythrite-Bladed-Lantern-Shield
ARM52T2Pan that Laid the Golden EggFrypan Calientehttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2398/Frypan-Caliente
ARM54S3As the Bolt FliesTitanium Nuggethttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2404/Titanium-Nugget
ARM54S1Someone Put Dung In My HelmetTitanium Sallet of Maiminghttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2365/Titanium-Sallet-of-Maiming
ARM54T2Sometimes the South WinsTitanium Mail of Fendinghttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2348/Titanium-Mail-of-Fending
ARM56S1A Halonic MasqueradeTitanium Headgear of Scoutinghttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2391/Titanium-Headgear-of-Scouting
ARM56S1A Squire to InspireTitanium Tassets of Fendinghttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2357/Titanium-Tassets-of-Fending
ARM56T2Belle of the BrawlTitanium Vambraces of Fendinghttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2353/Titanium-Vambraces-of-Fending
ARM58S1Look Before You LeapAdamantite Leg Guards of Maiminghttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/31038/Adamantite-Leg-Guards-of-Maiming
ARM58S1Sir, Dost Thour Even Heft?Adamantite Chain Hose of Fendinghttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2359/Adamantite-Chain-Hose-of-Fending
ARM58T5The Mast ChanceAdamantite Rivetshttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2826/Adamantite-Rivets
BSM50S1Punching your Way to SuccessMythrite Patashttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2260/Mythrite-Patas
BSM50S1Barring the Gates to FoundationMythrite Katzbalgerhttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2255/Mythrite-Katzbalger
BSM50T5With Bearings StraightMythrite Nuggethttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2330/Mythrite-Nugget
BSM52S1Freight and BarrelMythrite Stilettohttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2271/Mythrite-Stilettos
BSM52S1It's All About ExecutionMythrite Zweihanderhttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2276/Mythrite-Zweihander
BSM52T2Cautonary CutleryMythrtite Culinary Knifehttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2321/Mythrite-Culinary-Knife
BSM54S1I Saw the PineHardsilver Sawhttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2286/Hardsilver-Saw
BSM54S1I Could Feel That From HereTitanium Creasing Knifehttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2298/Titanium-Creasing-Knife
BSM54T2Keep Up With The MechanicsTitanium Barreled Aquebushttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2282/Titanium-barreled-Arquebus
BSM56S3UnbreakerTitanium Ingothttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2333/Titanium-Ingot
BSM56S1Diamond SawdustTitanium Battleaxehttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2268/Titanium-Battleaxe
BSM56T2Spirituality InspectorTitanium Lump Hammerhttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2290/Titanium-Lump-Hammer
BSM58S3Through Thick and ThinAdamantite Nuggethttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2334/Adamantite-Nugget
BSM58S1Winter Weather ConditionsAdamantite Dolabra (M)http://xivdb.com/?recipe/31010/Adamantite-Dolabra
BSM58T2Sword For PlowsharesAdamantite Zweihanderhttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2279/Adamantite-Zweihander
CRP50S5Splinter in the SewersCedar Lumber x5http://xivdb.com/?recipe/2195/Cedar-Lumber
CRP50S1So You Think You Can Lance?Mythrite Tridenthttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2196/Mythrite-Trident
CRP50T2Almost as fun as Slingshotting BirdsCedar Longbow x2http://xivdb.com/?recipe/2201/Cedar-Longbow
CRP52S1Landing the Big OneCedar Fishing Rodhttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2213/Cedar-Fishing-Rod
CRP52S1Do You Even String BowHoly Cedar Composite Bowhttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2202/Holy-Cedar-Composite-Bow
CRP52T2A Reward Fitting for the FaithfulHoly Cedar Necklacehttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2222/Holy-Cedar-Necklace
CRP54S1The Darkest HearthDark Chestnut Spinning Wheelhttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2220/Dark-Chestnut-Spinning-Wheel
CRP54S1License to HealDark Chestnut Rodhttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2208/Dark-Chestnut-Rod
CRP54T5Walking on Pins and NeedlesDark Chestnut Lumberhttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2240/Dark-Chestnut-Lumber
CRP56S1The Long Armillae of the LawHallowed Chestnut Armillaehttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2225/Hallowed-Chestnut-Armillae
CRP56S1Don't Ask the WyvernHallowed Chestnut Composite Bowhttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2204/Hallowed-Chestnut-Composite-Bow
CRP56T2Aim to PleaseHallowed Chestnut Mask of Aiminghttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2210/Hallowed-Chestnut-Mask-of-Aiming
CRP58S3Birch, PleaseBirch Lumberhttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2242/Birch-Lumber
CRP58S1Anatomy of a DrillbitDragonstone Grinding Wheelhttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2218/Dragonscale-Grinding-Wheel
CRP58T2Hold on, AdamantiteAdamantite Spearhttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2200/Adamantite-Spear
CUL50S1Next to Last SupperStuffed Cabbage Rollhttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2813/Stuffed-Cabbage-Rolls
CUL50S1Little Orphan CandyFig Bavaroishttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2796/Fig-Bavarois
CUL50T2Baked Onion SoupBaked Onion Souphttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2809/Baked-Onion-Soup
CUL52S1Loving the Muffin TopIshgardian Muffinhttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2800/Ishgardian-Muffin
CUL52S5Such a Butter FaceFermented Butterhttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2821/Fermented-Butter
CUL52T2Persona non GratinDhalmel Gratinhttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2814/Dhalmel-Gratin
CUL54S1Nutcrackers SweetsRoyal Eggshttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2807/Royal-Eggs
CUL54S1Breakfast of ChampionsEmerald Souphttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2811/Emerald-Soup
CUL54T2Old Victories, New TastesDhalmel Fricaseehttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2816/Dhalmel-Fricassee
CUL56S1It Goes Down SmoothlyFrozen Spiritshttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2795/Frozen-Spirits
CUL56S5Saucy for a SuitorHollandaise Saucehttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2818/Hollandaise-Sauce
CUL56T2Persuasion For a Higher PowerBaked Pipira Pirahttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2805/Baked-Pipira-Pira
CUL58S5Let's not get SappyBirch Syrup x5http://xivdb.com/?recipe/2819/Birch-Syrup
CUL58S1Soup that Eats like a KnightClam Chowderhttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2812/Clam-Chowder
CUL58T2Dont let it Fall ApartLiver Cheese Sandwichhttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2801/Liver-Cheese-Sandwich
GSM50S1Not on My TableMythrite Earrings of Healinghttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2489/Mythrite-Earrings-of-Healing
GSM50S1The Goggles, They do NaughtMythrite Goggles of Gatheringhttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2521/Mythrite-Goggles-of-Gathering
GSM50T2Halonic HermeneuticsYeti Staff x2http://xivdb.com/?recipe/2414/Yeti-Staff
GSM52S1High Above Me, She Sews LovelyMythrite Needlehttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2517/Mythrite-Needle
GSM52S1Sense of EntitlementMythrite Planispherehttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2420/Mythrite-Planisphere
GSM52T5Sky is The LimitMythrite Ingothttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2527/Mythrite-Ingot
GSM54S1Citizen's ArrestMormorion Ring of Slayinghttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2460/Mormorion-Ring-of-Slaying
GSM54S1The Unfortunate RetironyHardsilver Bangle of Fendinghttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2432/Hardsilver-Bangle-of-Fending
GSM54T2The Monuments MagesHardsilver Magnifers of Castinghttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2426/Hardsilver-Magnifiers-of-Casting
GSM56S1The Grander TempleDragon Fang Earringshttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2523/Dragon-Fang-Earrings
GSM56S3Needs more PrayerbellHardsilver Ingothttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2529/Hardsilver-Ingot
GSM56T2Appeasing the AstromancerHardsilver Plainspherehttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2422/Hardsilver-Planisphere
GSM58S1Embroiling EmbroideryGriffin Talon Needle (MASTER)http://xivdb.com/?recipe/31084/Griffin-Talon-Needle
GSM58S1Keeping Claw and OrderGriffin Talon Ring of Aiminghttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2480/Griffin-Talon-Ring-of-Aiming
GSM58T2A Halo for Her HeadAurum Regis Circlet of Healinghttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/31061/Aurum-Regis-Circlet-of-Healing
LTW50S1Pummeling AbroadArchaeoskin Belt of Strikinghttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2566/Archaeoskin-Belt-of-Striking
LTW50S1From Mud to MourningArchaeoskin Jackboots of Gatheringhttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2643/Archaeoskin-Jackboots-of-Gathering
LTW50T2Glorified Hole-punchersArchaeoskin Gloves of Aiminghttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2577/Archaeoskin-Gloves-of-Aiming
LTW52S1Maybe He's a LionWyvernskin Mane of Fendinghttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2545/Wyvernskin-Mane-of-Fending
LTW52S3You Could Say It's a Moving TargetWyvern Leatherhttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2654/Wyvern-Leather
LTW52T2(Don't) Love the Skin You're InWyvernskin Belt of Scoutinghttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2594/Wyvernskin-Belt-of-Scouting
LTW54S1Tally Ho, ChocoboDhalmelskin Leggins of Aiminghttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2587/Dhalmelskin-Leggings-of-Aiming
LTW54S1Overall, We Blend InDhalmelskin Vesthttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2636/Dhalmelskin-Vest
LTW54T2Dragoon Drop RateDhalmelskin Breeches of Maiminghttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2557/Dhalmelskin-Breeches-of-Maiming
LTW56S1Don't Sweat the Small FryDragonskin Wristbandshttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2649/Dragonskin-Wristbands
LTW56S1I Need your Glove TonightDragonskin Gloves of Healinghttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2605/Dragonskin-Gloves-of-Healing
LTW56T5Trainin' the NeckDragon Leatherhttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2656/Dragon-Leather
LTW58S1Starting Off on the Wrong FootSerpentskin Armguards of Maiminghttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/31103/Serpentskin-Armguards-of-Maiming
LTW58S1Bar of the BannermenSerpentskin Ringbelt of Aiminghttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2584/Serpentskin-Ringbelt-of-Aiming
LTW58T2It Will Knock Your Socks OffSerpentskin Thighboots of Castinghttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2625/Serpentskin-Thighboots-of-Casting
WVR50S1Perfecting PostureRainbow Sash of Aiminghttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2677/Rainbow-Sash-of-Aiming
WVR50S3Pride up in SmokeRainbow Clothhttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2751/Rainbow-Cloth
WVR50T2Ribbon of RemembranceRainbow Ribbon Of Healinghttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2735/Rainbow-Ribbon-of-Healing
WVR52S1What Not to WearHoly Rainbow Shirt of Strikinghttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2664/Holy-Rainbow-Shirt-of-Striking
WVR52S1Fashion PatrolHoly Rainbow Sarouel of Castinghttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2725/Holy-Rainbow-Sarouel-of-Casting
WVR52T2An Account of My ApronRainbow Apronhttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2744/Rainbow-Apron
WVR54S1Storm Upon Bald MountainRamie Turban of Craftinghttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2740/Ramie-Turban-of-Crafting
WVR54S1Clothing the Naked TruthRamie Robe of Castinghttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2717/Ramie-Robe-of-Casting
WVR54T2Finger on the PulseRamie Halfgloves of Healinghttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2704/Ramie-Halfgloves-of-Healing
WVR56S3Where the Dragonflies, the Net CatchesCrawler Silkhttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2758/Crawler-Silk
WVR56S1A Show of Ice and FireHallowed Ramie Sash of Castinghttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2722/Hallowed-Ramie-Sash-of-Casting
WVR56T2Investing in the FutureHallowed Ramie Doublet of Aiminghttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2675/Hallowed-Ramie-Doublet-of-Aiming
WVR58S3Felt for the FallenChimerical Felt x2http://xivdb.com/?recipe/2755/Chimerical-Felt
WVR58S1He Wears the PantsChimerical Felt Trousershttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/31189/Chimerical-Felt-Trousers
WVR58T2The Clothes of Her BackChimerical Felt Corset of Healinghttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2708/Chimerical-Felt-Corset-of-Healing



Table of ALL DOH Class quest Items & Recipe (DOH 50-60)

Use the sort and filter functions!

AlchemyLvClass quest itemsRecipe
ALC53Enchanted Mythrite Inkhttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2776/Enchanted-Mythrite-Ink
ALC55Grade 1 Intelligence Dissolventhttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2788/Grade-1-Intelligence-Dissolvent
ALC58Draconian Potion of Strengthhttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/31206/Draconian-Potion-of-Strength
ALC60Noble Goldhttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/31197/Noble-Gold
ALCQuest NPCWiltaekMor Dhona
ArmorerLvClass quest itemsRecipe
ARM53Titanium Mask of Strikinghttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2384/Titanium-Mask-of-Striking
ARM55Titanium Cuirass of Maiminghttp://xivdb.com/?item/10721/Titanium-Cuirass-of-Maiming
ARM58Titanium Hoplonhttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2341/Titanium-Hoplon
ARM60Adamantite Lorica of Fendinghttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/31027/Adamantite-Lorica-of-Fending
ARMQuest NPCBlanstyrLimsa Upper (Aftcastle)
BlacksmithLvClass quest itemsRecipe
BSM53Mythrite Rivets (x?)http://xivdb.com/?recipe/2335/Mythrite-Rivets
BSM55Titanium Bastard Swordhttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2257/Titanium-Bastard-Sword
BSM58Titanium Lump Hammerhttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2290/Titanium-Lump-Hammer
BSM60Adamantite Winglethttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/30999/Adamantite-Winglet
BSMQuest NPCFremordainIshgard (Jewelled Crozier)
CarpenterLvClass quest itemsRecipe
CRP53Holy Cedar Composite Bowhttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2202/Holy-Cedar-Composite-Bow
CRP55Dark Chestnut Rodhttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2208/Dark-Chestnut-Rod
CRP58Birch Lumberhttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2242/Birch-Lumber
CRP60Adamantite Tridenthttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/30972/Adamantite-Trident
CRPQuest NPCBarthovieuIshgard (The Brume, lower)
CulinarianLvClass quest itemsRecipe
CUL53Ishgardian Teahttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2794/Ishgardian-Tea
CUL53Sohm Al Tarthttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2797/Sohm-Al-Tart
CUL55Kaiser Rollhttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2799/Kaiser-Roll
CUL55Beet Souphttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2810/Beet-Soup
CUL55Grilled Sweetfishhttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2804/Grilled-Sweetfish
CUL58Cockatrice Meatballshttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2806/Cockatrice-Meatballs
CUL60Morel Saladhttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2803/Morel-Salad
CUL60Deep Fried Okeanishttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2808/Deep-Fried-Okeanis
CUL60Marron Glacehttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2798/Marron-Glace
CULQuest NPCMelkokoLimsa Upper (The Aftcastle)
GoldsmithLvClass quest itemsRecipe
GSM53Hardsilver Bangle of Castinghttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2504/Hardsilver-Bangle-of-Casting
GSM55Hardsilver Ingothttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2529/Hardsilver-Ingot
GSM58Aurum Regis Cylinderhttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2542/Aurum-Regis-Cylinder
GSM60Star Sapphire Music Boxhttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/31087/Star-Sapphire-Music-Box
GSM60Star Ruby Music Boxhttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/31088/Star-Ruby-Music-Box
GSMQuest NPCMarcelUl'dah (Merchants Strip)
LeatherworkerLvClass quest itemsRecipe
LTW53Wyvernskin Workbootshttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2644/Wyvernskin-Workboots
LTW55Dhalmelskin Leggings of Scoutinghttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2601/Dhalmelskin-Leggings-of-Scouting
LTW58Dragonskin Chokerhttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2647/Dragonskin-Choker
LTW60Chivalric Battledress of Aiminghttp://xivdb.com/?item/12999/Chivalric-Battledress-of-Aiming
LTWQuest NPCEldeIshgard (Jewelled Crozier)
WeaverLvClass quest itemsRecipe
WVR53Rainbow Gloveshttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2743/Rainbow-Gloves
WVR55Holy Rainbow Hat of Healinghttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/2697/Holy-Rainbow-Hat-of-Healing
WVR58Crawler Silk (3)http://xivdb.com/?recipe/2758/Crawler-Silk
WVR60Chivalric Doublet of Healinghttp://xivdb.com/?recipe/31232/Chivalric-Doublet-of-Healing
WVRQuest NPCAverilIshgard (Astrologicum)


Enjoy your crafting!!

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FFXIV Alexander (Normal): quick strategy guide

A quick and dirty guide detailing the simple strategies needed for Alexander Normal.

Hey guys! Here’s a quick little guide describing what you need to do in Alexander Normal. Each section will describe one boss, instead of one per page. Their difficulty isn’t that high, and having it all in one place is less of a hassle likely.

The first trash pile Faust – just burn it and have your OT pick up the adds and run around.

The Oppressor (Alexander Turn 1): Fist of the Father

  • ALARUM periodically spawn. Killing them leaves a field on the ground which minifies you if stepped on.
  • LASERS FROM THE SKY signify a huge missle coming.
  • Kill and leave the field on the laser target: minifying the missle (lol)
  • Avoiding the fly-up AoE: run furthest from its blast radius (remember ultima hm?)

Oppressor 0.5 and original must die within 30(?)s of each other, else wipe.


‘Robot Gauntlet’ (Alexander Turn 2): Cuff of the Father

I honestly have no idea of the specifics in this fight. It’s easily doable in 1 pull, although making it faster is the point of doing this fight properly.

  • At least 1 guy should ride a robot. This robot rider has a few responsibilities.
  • Pull bombs away from raid using your pulling skill. Otherwise, raid simply moves away.
  • Riders can apply a VULN UP to mobs, which is mega value. Maxes out at 5 stacks on a mob.


(1) Man… I don’t know what exactly this does. Doesn’t seem too good.
(2) An AoE stun that’s pretty good at mitigating damage.
(3) Applies Vuln Up on target. Mega value
(4) Pull. Please, only use this on bombs *wink*

Alot of different setups work, the safest being 1 DPS riding. When his energy level goes low – use the other machine.

Adds? Kill the special looking guys before the chumps, or even spider-tanks. Boomtypes and Jagds kick ass.

Living Liquid (Alexander Turn Turn 3): Arm of the Father

This guy has 3 forms which he cycles through for most of the fight.

“Human” form

  • Nothing I remember specifically – just some fancy AoE’s.

Hand form

  • During the “one chunky hand” both tanks should stay in front to share the cleave (Kaliya).
  • Once they split, just burn them. Use some defensive as they stack a resist down debuff over time.
  • Wash Away is a pushback – just get close to the center, or furthers from an edge.

Tornado form

  • Kill adds… nothing too notable.

TETHERS? We didn’t really try many things to cancel it. You get stunned, but otherwise inconsequential if done incorrectly. Feel free to comment. They were easy enough to ignore.

At a low health percentage – the final phase begins. It’s signaled by Cascade, a basic AoE damage skill. Nothing noticeably new here. I’ll check it out again tomorrow.

The Manipulator (Alexander Turn 4): Burden of the Father

Choose and kill one leg to kill first. There’s no value in spreading damage as they heal per phase. DPS the manipulator when it comes out.

Deez ballz

  • Blue sign above head signifies where the balls will float towards.
  • 2 sets of 3 balls spawn from the outside travelling towards the point. Does semi-heavy damage, heal through it or cycle party.

Getting sucked in

  • a simple mini-dps check. Kill the add and you escape. Nothin’ else to it.

Healer debuffs

  • Boss casts a red and blue hammer debuff. These two afflicted people cannot touch, else they die.
  • It can spread to new members who were previously unaffected.
  • Obviously, stay away from them at this time.

Tethers (laser)

  • Avoid having one guy eat more than 1. Simply block the line. Best suggestion here is

Again, sorry if I couldn’t write a novel about these ‘turns’. They’re quite intuitive, and fun. Don’t expect something too difficult but this little write up will help you out in the days to come.

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FFXIV Alexander Loot List & System, Accuracy Caps

Loot list and loot system of Alexander: Gordias (Normal). Accuracy caps will be included!

Here we track various information regarding the current FFXIV Endgame raid: Alexander Gordias (Normal). Naturally, two weeks from now this very page will contain Alex ‘Savage’ information. Stay tuned!

How do I unlock Alexander normal? The quest details: “Disarmed”, Idyllshire (X:7 Y:6), NPC: Slowfix.

Alexander: Gordias (Normal) Loot system

Alexander normal has a token system, wherein completion of various parts of the dungeon rewards items you turn-in for high level equipment. YOU CAN ONLY LOOT 1 TOKEN PER TURN, PER WEEK. For a maximum of 4 tokens a week. In 5 weeks, you can have full i190.

Loot is exhanged in: Idyllshire (X:5 Y:5), NPC: Sabina

The items you can obtain off Alex Normal are iLevel 190, and have the Prototype Gordian prefix.


Item TypeRequired TokenNumber of Tokens
HeadTarnished Gordian Lens2
BodyTarnished Gordian Shaft4
HandsTarnished Gordian Crank2
WaistTarnished Gordian Chain1
LegsTarnished Gordian Spring4
FeetTarnished Gordian Pedal2
AccessoriesTarnished Gordian Bolt1


Which token drops where?

Each turn drops 2 tokens from a pool of possible tokens per turn (did that even make sense?). As we farm more tonight, we will learn more and update.

  3. LEG / HEAD
  4. LEG / CHEST

Prototype Gordian (Alex Normal) Gear: Stats table

Temporary formatting: will improve ASAP

TankAccuracyDetCritSkill SpeedParry
HEALERAccuracyDetCritSpell SpeedPiety
CASTERAccuracyDetCritSpell Speed 
DRAGOONAccuracyDetCritSkill Speed 
MONKAccuracyDetCritSkill Speed 
RANGEDAccuracyDetCritSkill Speed 
NINJAAccuracyDetCritSkill Speed 

 Temporary formatting: will improve

Alexander: Gordias (Normal) Accuracy Cap

It’s currently impossible to accurately determine this. Wait for data collation. I wonder if this is even needed for Normal Mode. I secretly hope this isn’t needed as it’s a nightmare to obtain, haha.

Alexander: Gordias (Savage) Loot system


Alexander: Gordias (Savage) Loot system


Good luck out there with robot crunching! We will be updating the loot list and accuracy caps on Alex Normal consistently.

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FFXIV Gathering Rotation (Scrip farming & Collectibles)

How to get deez damn collectibles! If you’re short on collectability 0 find out some basic appraisal rotations here!

Hello guys, a preliminary guide here. Basically I’ll be listing down the rotations I used WHILE LEVELING UP. It’s no use discussing the “real” end-game collectability gathering rotations since we have no idea what numbers we’re reaching for, and how much GP we will actually have. (Yes I know there’s a current BiS… but how long will that last? Will keep an eye out for the recipe unlocks come Alexander). I personally had more than 600 GP, but it’s very unrealistic to make a rotation for LEVELING UP with 650+ GP, since not everyone had a pimped out Foragers Set.

TLDR: Gathering rotations for scrip farming & Collectibles!!!

End-game Gathering Rotations | Leveling up Rotations

Red scrip (470 collectability) Rotation (variable collects)

Thanks to my FCmate Tiffany Faye for this! This rotation can get at least 2, and up to 4!!!! 470 collectible items! Here’s the basic rotation

  • Reveal with a hit!
  • Discerning Eye
  • Impulsive Appraisal
  • IF PROC, Single Mind. NO PROC? Discerning Eye
  • Impulsive Appraisal
  • IF PROC, Single Mind, NO PROC? Discerning Eye
  • Methodical Appraisal

The above rotation seems damn good for me! While it requires brainpower, the eventual time saved is definitely something. I did not note the min perception needed but please mention your results.


End-Game Gathering Rotations (For now)

I’ll just copy the “1 collect” rotation from below. Since this is as good as it gets for 1 Collect @ 600 GP! Yes I do realize you can go much higher. But that’s for the minute few that have the 700++ GP for it. I’ll post those once I know more of what we need to reach, and how much GP people have on average.

Maximum Appraisal Potency for 600 GP 1 Collect

  • Reveal with a hit!
  • Discerning Eye
  • Methodical Appraisal
  • Discerning Eye
  • Methodical Appraisal
  • Utmost Caution
  • Methodical Appraisal
  • Utmost Caution
  • Methodical Appraisal
  • Collect

!!VERY IMPORTANT!! >400 Appraisal Potency 3 Collect

at 570~ Perception you can easily 3 gather the high grade scrip unspoileds. I use this rotation to do so:

  • Reveal with a hit!
  • Single Mind
  • Methodical Appraisal
  • Discerning Eye
  • Methodical Appraisal
  • Discerning Eye
  • Methodical Appraisal
  • Collect
  • Collect
  • Collect

Gathering Rotations used WHILE Leveling (Based on 600 GP)

If you have extra GP, use a Field Mastery. Or try something else. I personally didn’t see the need more than 600 GP in the road to 60~. If you’re a newer player, strive to get 600 GP somehow. Use food, cheaply meld gear… just find a way! These rotations DO NOT USE SINGLE MIND (For low level friendliness), but you’ll be more experienced by then anyway. So these rotations are really there to help those who are a little more confused.

These four basic rotations will help you gather almost any collectible. If you fail with the 1 collect – you’re undergeared.

The goal is you want AS MANY ITEMS as you can with the MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE COLLECTABILITY. So when you’re trying something new – go for the 1 collect. Go for more collects if you feel you can do it!

4 Collect, 250 Appraisal potency:

  • Toil of the Pioneer
  • Discerning Eye
  • Methodical Appraisal
  • Methodical Appraisal
  • Collect
  • Collect
  • Collect
  • Collect

(Macro possible?) If you know of a 4 collect rotation with higher than 250 appraisal potency AT 600 GP, please let me know!

3 Collect, 350 Appraisal potency:

  • Toil of the Pioneer
  • Discerning Eye
  • Methodical Appraisal
  • Methodical Appraisal
  • Methodical Appraisal
  • Collect
  • Collect
  • Collect

(Macro possible?) If you know of a 3 collect rotation with higher than 350 appraisal potency AT 600 GP, please let me know!

2 Collect, 450 Appraisal potency:

  • Reveal with a hit!
  • Discerning Eye
  • Methodical Appraisal
  • Discerning Eye
  • Methodical Appraisal
  • Discerning Eye
  • Methodical Appraisal
  • Collect
  • Collect

Alternatively: Toil, Deep, Method x4, Collect x2 (400 potency, but executes a lot faster!)

(Macro possible?) If you know of a 2 collect rotation with higher than 450 appraisal potency AT 600 GP, please let me know!

1 Collect  Appraisal potency:

  • Reveal with a hit!
  • Discerning Eye
  • Methodical Appraisal
  • Discerning Eye
  • Methodical Appraisal
  • Utmost Caution
  • Methodical Appraisal
  • Utmost Caution
  • Methodical Appraisal
  • Collect

(Macro possible?) If you know of a 2 collect rotation with higher than 500 appraisal potency AT 600 GP, please let me know!

In any case I’m excited for this whole new dimension in gathering! Good luck farming scrips!

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Heavensward Dungeons & Trials (Story) Quick Guides

A quick guide about all 3.0 dungeons and trials (storyline)

“If they do not know, teach them.” – Mahiko ‘Mister PUG’ San.

I don’t know what else to say about this page. Since I don’t feel storyline dungeons and trials need a full guide page each, here’s a compilation of all storyline dungeons and trials, with any notes to beat them. ***Forgive me if I use humor***, it’s to keep me sane during this hectic time.

This guide DOES NOT INCLUDE 60+ dungeons and EX primals (Stops at Aetherochemical RF)

Heavensward: Dungeons & Trials
Dusk Vigil | Sohm Al | The Aery | The Vault | The Great Gubal Library
Ravana, Thok ast Thok (Hard) | Bismarck, Limitless Blue (Hard)

Dusk Vigil boss strategy

Dusk Vigil itself has no notable trash mob or map mechanics.

Dusk Vigil boss 1: Elephant

  • Isolate targeted guy. If its you, GTFO from your team. If its your friend, abandon him.
  • He will get wombo combo. It’s fine.


Dusk Vigil boss 2: Ghost

  • He has many ghostly friends.
  • More friends from the beyond.
  • Kill them all, again. Twice.

Dusk Vigil boss 3: Bird

  • He’s casting tornado? Hide behind rocks. You don’t stay in the open in an IRL tornado, do you?

Sohm Al boss strategy

Sohm Al boss 1: Plant

  • Memories of T6… Avoid AoE after eat.
  • Hornet spawn. I assume it’s good to kill. We burned lel.

Sohm Al boss 2: Dino

  • Lookin at you? GTFO.
  • Lots of single spike damage. Keep party healthy.

Sohm Al boss 3: Dragon

  • Marker on top of you? It’s a meteor.
  • Land these on the OUTERMOST EDGE POSSIBLE.
  • Once the marker fades -> move back towards center.

Ravana (Hard) Thok ast Thok strategy

  • Butterfly kill. Fast.
  • Avoid knockback by having an intact wall behind you.
    • That’s 99% of the fight right there.

The Aery Boss Strategy

The Aery boss 1: Skinny Dragon

  • Tether to poles lel.
  • AoE 1: Safe spot is ring inside.
  • AoE 2: Melee proximity knockback.
  • AoE 3: targetted bolts.

The Aery boss 2: Medium Dragon

  • Poison clouds spawn.
  • Mustard Gas eats Clouds.
  • I cant tell you exactly what happens here. I assume killing adds is good. We burned.

The Aery boss 3: Fat Dragon

  • Lookin at you? Move a bit. Leaves fireball.
  • Fireball rush soon after.
  • Free imprisoned friends (Don’t tunnel lel)
  • Keep DRG alive (The NPC, not your bad teammate).
  • Kill add before massacre, stand in shield.

The Vault Boss Strategy

All bosses have random AoE damage and a single spike damage skill. Just keep yer damn party healthy.

The Vault boss 1:  Sword Guy

  • Lots of fancy abilities.
  • Balls explode. lel.

The Vault boss 2: Axe guy

  • Colorful AoE. Do not stand
  • Knockback? Make sure youre NOT behind a ball.

The Vault boss 2: Robot Griest

  • Avoid marching robot (there’s spaces in between)
  • Sickness shall be purged, AoE heals.
  • Kill fireballs asap, they dont have aggro.
  • Avoid firelike “plumes”.
  • Break tethers by spreading apart from friend.

Bismarck (Hard) Limitless Blue strategy

  • Do not fall. (Tornado lel)
  • Shield in center irrelevant if your DPS has a few braincells.
  • Use harpoons -> MUST BE STANDING ON WHALE to DPS #WhalerightsPETA
  • Party takes damage while on whale, AoE heals.
  • Separate adds from each other.

The Great Gubal Library Boss Strategy

Library boss 1: Demon Wall II

  • Avoid the lane AoE.. gives slow n heavy. Demon Wall AK memory.
  • Ice floor? one press of movement makes you slide.
    • Remove little girl subligar.
    • Wear big girl subligar.
    • Deal with it.

Library boss 2: Bull

  • Fat line AoE? MOVE TOWARD HIM, FOOL!
  • Kill books.
  • Bring tether to boss.

Library boss 3: Refrigerator

  • Step on pink ‘summoning point’ to prevent adds.
    • ALL minipoints must be stood on to prevent adds in that circle.
    • comes in minipoints of 1’s, 2’s then 3’s.

Sorry for the light bordering stupid tone used in this guide. Since story dungeons are pretty damn intuitive, these will make your life a little bit easier.

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FFXIV Warrior (WAR) Leveling Guide

How to level up your Warrior (WAR) fast! Useful cross-class skills, reminders, and the best places to be in any level – HERE!

A Warry kind of guy huh? You’ve found the right guide if you’re leveling a Warrior! Check out the Warrior Basics if you need a refresher. You NEED to complete all MRD class quests (last is level 30) (got Butchers Block?, that means you’ve done it). Also Gladiator (GLD) class quests up to 15 (got Shield Lob on your Gladiator? check). Again, this WAR leveling guide should be used ALONG SIDE the General Leveling Guide.

Help! Where’s the WAR Guildmaster / quest giver? It’s Curious Gorge, located in Costa Del Sol, Eastern La Noscea (18, 27). No quest? backtrack to the MRD Guild in Limsa.

Wait a second, I’m below level 30! No problem, the Marauder Leveling Guide is for you :) Coming into this guide, be done with your level 20-29 hunting log, and allocate all stat points into STR. Messes up your stats? Get a Keepers Hymn from your GC.

Reminders before we proceed: Your WAR will level up faster if  abuse Challenge Logs and Daily Roulettes! Also – Accuracy Food is a lot more useful than you think.


Warrior Level 30: Fresh off the Block

Reminder Level 30: Queue up for guildhests More than a Feeler and Annoy the Void.
> Level 30 Battlecraft / GC Leves: Costa Del Sol, Eastern La Noscea.

Facemelting and butchery continues! Picking up from the MRD Leveling Guide, you should be in Costa FATEing it up. You can do this until a MAX of level 35 (Warriors can move to Coerthas sooner…).  Same old same old – if FATES are hiding get your Warrior behind to the levemete.

Cross-class skills: When you equip your Warrior soulstone, your crossclass options reduce quite a bit. Flash, Provoke and Second Wind are the best bet for now.

Level 30 skill reminder – Defiance: DO NOT use this while soloing. DO USE this while in dungeons. This is your bread and butter tanking stance. Please, for the love of god… don’t be that “Oops, forgot defiance” guy.

Reminder Level 35: Queue up for guildhests Shadow and Claw and Long Live the Queen.
Level 35 Battlecraft / GC Leves: Observatorium, Coerthas. (Also, Wineport ELN)

At around level 35 you can move to Coerthas Central Highlands. This place has a bunch of people (most of the time) doing a bunch of fates. If you’re soloing you might not get to tag them all! Partying up in Coerthas is popular, so it’s easy to find one! The Svara quest chain is like swimming in a metaphorical pool of EXP. (Begins @ Svaras Fear)

Level 35 skill reminder – Inner Beast: Real talk – Inner Beast is a massive skill that uses up your warrior resource: Wrath. Learning about how and when and why to use Wrath and what for separates the Warriors from… well.. “b!tches”. Inner Beast gives a huge damage reduction for a small window. While it’s effects are straightforward, Inner Beast and its proper usage is a large part of a pro Warriors repertoire.

Level 38 skill reminder – Storms Path: This skill combos off Maim. It applies a SIGNIFICANT “damage dealt minus” debuff on the enemy. Great for single tanking painful enemies. It goes without saying – this skill is absolutely massive in raiding.

Warrior Level 40 to 50: The last stretch… for now…

Reminder Level 40: Queue up for guildhests Ward Up and Solemn Trinity.
Level 40 Battlecraft / GC Leves: Whitebrim, Coerthas. (or Bluefog NThanalan)

Once you hit WAR 40, your first objective is to get a burst of EXP to try and hit 41 or 42. How? Any free challenge log entries, daily roullettes, early hunting logs, and guildhests. Why? since our next destination is Ceruleum Processing Plant, Northern Thanalan to FATEGRIND. Why skip Mor Dhona FATEs? Not many people FATE there. It’s best to party up in CPP (especially the early levels) check the PF or Shout – there’s no downside to partying up here in the early 40’s.

Level 45 Skill Reminder – Unchained: Newer warriors may neglect this skill, but it’s the real deal. It cancels the damage reduction from Defiance. Learn to use this as often as able whilst tanking, and try to time your Berserk with it!

Reminder Level 45: No more guildhests for now :(
Level 45 Battlecraft / GC Leves: St. Coinachs Find, Mor Dhona (Or CPP, NThanalan)

At level 49, might as well finish your WAR hunting log – it’s the last chance anyway!

Level 50 Skill Reminder – Storms Eye, Infuriate: Storms Eye gives a slashing resist down debuff on the target (useful for many classes), a DPS and threat increase! Infuriate instantly gives you 5 stacks of wrath. It’s on a relatively short cooldown – so yes, this plus Inner Beast is balls. (It’s great for pulling with Unchained as well)

End-game resources for your Warrior

CONGRATS on reaching 50! What to do now with your sparkly new WAR?

It’s been a long journey leveling your Warrior – but fortunately the adventure is JUST BEGINNING! Thanks for reading! For more updates check Like our Facebook! Hit us up on Twitter! Ciao!

<nextpage> (Will paginate this once 3.0 portion is completed)

Warrior – leveling up 50 to 60

Level 50 Battlecraft / GC Leves: ???

Level 55 Battlecraft / GC Leves: ???

This section is reserved for The 3.0 Heavensward update. For now, check out our Heavensward info page and Heavensward preparation page.

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