FFXIV Fishing Leveling Guide 1-80 (Shadowbringers UPDATED)

Shadowbringers UPDATED! How to level up Fishing Quickly!? Confused with Fishing Levequests? Looking for FIsh & Fishing Spots? Power Level your Fisher!

Bring the fish from the shadows to light! Catch onto Shadowbringers Fishing to 80!

FSH Leveling Navigation:
[01-15] | [15-35] | [35-50] | [50-55] | [55-60] | [60-70][70-80]

Key Info per section:

  • Fishing quest item & location.
  • Levequest fish and notes about them
  • If grinding, what’s the best fish/spot to farm? (Most useful)
  • Grinding summary per tier

Before you begin…

For those who haven’t even unlocked the fishing class: The Fisher’s Guild is in Limsa Lominsa.

To gain maximum EXP as a Fisher and level up fast, keep note of the following. Key points are: Choosing the right fish/spot/lure for you level. Also, Keeping key pieces of gear up to date (To up HQ chance, and reduce “got away”). Our Gathering Gear Guide is something you should keep open while leveling up: If you’re curious, here’s the equipment I prepared for my journey to 50.

Have a pile of Rabbit Pie (you can buy it from the Limsa food vendor in the market). If you can, pack some Jack-o-Lanterns, too.

Fishing Class Quest Items

For fishing, you might want to check the Market Board and buy up all the brainlessly cheap fish to make this a little bit less of a hassle. You can submit fish as quest requirements that are bought from NPC/Auction house!

Fisher 01: Lominsan Anchovy x 5
— (Right outside the guild, Bait: Lugworm)
Fisher 05: Harbor Herring x3
— (Right outside the guild, Bait: Pillbug)
Fisher 10: HQ Princess Trout
— (Middle La Noscea: any river, Bait: Crayfish Ball)
Fisher 15: Navigators Dagger  x5
— (Western La Noscea: Brewers Beacon, Bait: Rait Tail)
Fisher 20: Warmwater Trout  x5
— (Upper La Noscea – Oakwood, Bait: Crow Fly)
Fisher 25: Shadow Catfish
— (Fallgourd Float, Bait: Moth Pupa > Striped Goby > Shadow Catfish)
Fisher 30: Fullmoon Sardine x 10
— (South Umbral Isles (Night), Tackle: Spoonworm)
Fisher 35: Desert Catfish
— (Sagoili Dunes, Bait: Rolling Stone)
Fisher 40: Raincaller x5
— (Old Gridania. Whispering Gorge, Rain. Bait: Stem Borer)
Fisher 45: Cloud Cutter x5
— (Whitebrim, Bait: Hoverworm)
Fisher 50: Mazlaya Marlin (North Bloodshore, Double Mooch)
— (Double Mooch, Bait: Floating Minnow)
— (Harbor Herring > Ogre Barracuda > Mazlaya Marlin)

Useful links to have open: Fishing Node Locations | Gathering Gear Guide.

This tiers grinding summary (~1-15)

155Limsa Lower DecksLLLugwormCatches many relevant Levequest fish.
51010Murmur RillsNSHCrayfish BallThe absolute best spot in this tier. (Gridania->Yellow Serpent Gate)
101515SwiftperchWLNPillbugCatches many relevant Levequest fish.
152020AleportWLNRat TailNot many choices in this tier.
202326Yug'ram RiverETHButterworm( night ) 100% Black Eel. Just alt-tab during daytime :)

Fishing Level 1-5

Fishing Quest Level 1: Lominsan Anchovy x 5
Fishing Quest Level 5: Harbor Herring x 3
Level 1 Fishing Levequests:
Limsa Adventurers Guild & Red Rooster Stead.
Level 5 Fishing Levequests: Limsa Adventurers Guild & Red Rooster Stead.

Where to find Lominsan Anchovy & Harbor Herring? These can be found right outside the guild. The bait you use should be Lugworm and Pillbug respectively. I suggest just grinding it out here until you reach level 5. You would have caught 5x Lominsan Anchovy and 3x Harbor Herring by then.

Level 1 Levequest Fish
(?) 3 Merlthor Goby : Limsa Lominsa lower decks | Lugworm
(?) 3 Malm Kelp: ^
(?) 3 Lominsan Anchovy: ^
(?) 3 Finger Shrimp: ^

These are really… REALLY not worth doing EXP wise. But given how lazy I was (and other people surely) to muck around in lower levels, you can use these to speed the process up immensely. If you have 100 leves lying around… go for it!

FSH Level ~1-5 Grinding spots
Just fish around the front of the guild :) (See advice above). If you’re lazy just buy up 5x Lominsan Anchovy, 3x Harbor Herring, all the cheap Merlthor Gobies and Malm Kelps you can and just submit stuff to the Levequest guy.


Fishing Level 5-10

Fishing Quest Level 10: HQ Princess Trout
Level 5 Fishing Levequests:
 Limsa Adventurers Guild & Red Rooster Stead.
Level 10 Fishing Levequests:
Western La Noscea, Swiftperch.

Where to find Princess Trout? In virtually any river you find in Middle La Noscea (Use Crayfish Ball). Exact rivers it can be found in: Nym, Rogue, West Agelyss and The Mourning Widow)

Level 5 Levequest Fish
(?) 3[9] Sea Cucumber [R] :
(?) 3 [9] Harbor Herring [R] :
(?) 3 Ocean Cloud :
(?) 3 Coral Butterfly :

I didn’t really bother looking for a good spot to fish these up since the grinding spot mentioned below far exceeds hunting for levequest fish in this tier. I feel that in this tier either you go out and grind it, or buy a pile of these fish off the MB and spam the levequests. Fishing these up just for submission straight up loses to the grinding option.

FSH Level ~5-10 Grinding spots

This may seem out of the way, but fishing in Murmur Rills (NSH) using Crayfish Ball is the absolute best and fastest spot to reach level 10!

Fishing Level 10-15

Fishing Quest Level 15: Navigators Dagger  x5
Level 10 Fishing Levequests:
 Western La Noscea, Swiftperch.
Level 15 Fishing Levequests:
Lower La Noscea, Moraby Drydocks.

Where to find Navigators Dagger? Use Rat Tails in Brewers Beacon, Western La Noscea. Fairly easy catch, no problems here.

FSH Level 10 Levequest fish
(?) 3 [9] Harbor Herring [R] : Swiftperch, WLN | Goby Ball
(?) 3 [9] Pebble Crab [R] : ^
(?) 3 Moraby Flounder : ^
(?) 3 Tiger Cod : ^

Swiftperch using Goby Ball has a small chance to get you ALL of the fish you need! Save the Rothlyt Oysters and White Corals – they’re used for the next tiers leves.

FSH Level ~10-15 Grinding spots

Thankfully, Swiftperch is the best choice for both leve-fishing AND grinding. Continuously fishing and submitting make this tier extremely fast to get through. No reason not to just sit your butt in Swiftperch and grind.

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FSH Leveling Navigation:
[01-15] | [15-35] | [35-50] | [50-55] | [55-60] | [60-70][70-80]

FFXIV Gunbreaker GNB L60+ Rotation for leveling

A newly minted Gunbreaker, so many skills – so little time! Lucky you’ve found the right place! Our Gunbreaker L60 & Leveling Rotation guide should help you get into the basics.

Looking for a list of skills? See our Gunbreaker general guide, or preferably… your own skill list. Gunbreaker enters the world with the following number of actions, all of which we will account for:

  • NINETEEN Job actions
  • SEVEN Role actions

L60+ Gunbreaker leveling rotation: Navigation
L60 Rotation Summary | L60 Skills explained | L60+ skills, and rotation effect.

Gunbreaker (GNB) L60 Rotation Summary

Here we discuss the single target rotation, AoE rotation, and cooldown usage of Gunbreaker. If you need a skill by skill explanation and protips, it’s in the next section.

Protip: Never forget your enmity stance (Royal Guard) in dungeons. And at least one of you two tanks should have it in raids (Remember the “he who keeps it on is the main tank” rule).

L60 Gunbreaker Single Target Rotation

It would help to imagine Gunbreakers L60 rotation as using combos to gain cartridges, and appropriately spending them.

Your basic rotation loop looks something like this:

  1. Keen Edge > Brutal Shell > Solid Barrel GAIN CARTRIDGE.
  2. Spend cartridge: Gnashing Fang combo > Burst Strike (cooldown dependent)

That constitutes a majority of your decisions and actions, but also consider the miscellaneous parts of your DPS.

  • Use heavy cooldowns: No Mercy > Sonic Break
  • Weave OGCDS: Danger Zone > Rough Divide

L60 Gunbreaker AoE Rotation

Your basic AoE rotation (3+ enemies!) loop looks something like this:

  1. Revert to single target at any time you have less than 3 enemies.
  2. Demon Slice > Demon Slaughter combo: GAIN CARTRIDGE
  3. Save up to 2 Cartridges, don’t overflow! Use them as you would in your single target rotation but maybe prioritizing Burst Strike spam, for speed.

That constitutes a majority of your decisions and actions, but also consider the miscellaneous parts of your DPS.

  • Use heavy cooldowns: No Mercy > Sonic Break
  • Weave OGCDS: Danger Zone > Rough Divide

you cannot truly have an isolated AoE rotation yet,
and must incorporate single target.

L60 Gunbreaker Other skills and responsibilities

Here we outline the uses of any other skill not mentioned in the rotation guide above.

Keep Royal Guard on! You’re a tank, so (easy as it is these days) hold aggro at all times. Royal Guard is essentially an enmity generation stance. It’s OGCD these days! Provoke helps with the strays

Heavy damage (help your healers!) should be mitigated by:
Nebula, Camouflage, and role action Rampart.

You can help heal yourself with Aurora. Every little bit counts…

If you’re on the precipice of death, Superbolide ENSURES you to be an inch from it! Jokes aside, it will keep you alive for the next few seconds. Hopefully, you’ll be alive AFTER it.

Gunbreaker L60 skill by skill explanation and binding tips

Here, we bind your actions and help you understand them

Job ActionsRole Actions

Keen Edge: is your basic combo starter. “1”.

No Mercy (short cooldown): A very long DPS steroid that should BASICALLY be used as much as you can. Keep it in reach as its cooldown is very generous.

Brutal Shell: Is the second step in your basic combo. “2”.

Camouflage (long cooldown): an amazing cooldown due to its titanic duration. Essentially a second Rampart. Great for absorbing “two” mechanics worth of damage.

Demon Slice: is the first step in your AoE combo.

Royal Guard: is your tank stance. Switching it is OGCD these days. Honestly, I wouldn’t mind clicking this, or having a far bind.

Lightning Shot: Ranged pulling attack.

Danger Zone (short cooldown): Heavy OGCD attack. Used quite often.

Solid Barrel: Your basic combo finisher. “3”. It also gains you a Cartridge.

Burst Strike: Heavy single target Cartridge spender.

Nebula (long cooldown): Short but heavy damage mitigation. Use for tank busters.

Demon Slaughter: Your AoE combo finisher that also gains you a Cartridge.

Aurora (cooldown): A cute regen effect on yourself, or any party member.

Superbolide (long cooldown): Ultimate “Oh Shit” Button, but puts your health at 1.

Sonic Break (cooldown): Massive DoT with long duration that’s mostly relevant on bosses.

Rough Divide (short cooldown): OGCD gap closer with damage. Will mostly be used for damage, lol. Keep it close in bindings.

Gnashing Fang > Savage Claw > Wicked Talon: Are the three parts of your cartridge combo. Note that the combo has a cooldown, aside from cartridge cost. Personally, I put these in “Ctrl+1, Ctrl+2, Ctrl+3”.

I’ll loosely discuss these Tank Actions in relation to Gunbreaker.

Rampart: is a workhorse. Due to its long duration, it’s suitable for large dungeon pulls and “double mitigating” a string of mechanics in raids. Gunbreaker also has Camouflage to act as a “Rampart 2”.

Low Blow: Is rarely useful in raids but great otherwise. Stunning a monster makes it deal no damage, and can also interrupt their spells. I used to bind this near me, but I now have a super out of the way bind for it. (CTRL or ALT + something). Clicking it is fine, too.

Provoke: Is essential in raids, and has some usefulness in dungeons. You should ALWAYS know if your Provoke is up, and where to press for it. No self-respecting tank would ever be confused about their own Provoke.

Interject: Similar to Low Blow in many respects, it’s a pretty niche skill. Find a far bind for it, or click it.

Reprisal is a godly skill in raids, but pretty much a non-issue otherwise. Find a good bind for this if you’re the raiding type.

Arm’s Length is something I comfortably put in the “okay to click” tier. It’s RARELY used and its uses will rarely catch you off-guard. It’s almost always planned.

Shirk: is essential in most raids. Transferring aggro to and receiving aggro from your tanks helps ease tank swap mechanics.

Gunbreaker L60+ How new skills affect rotation

I’ll add to this very soon.

L60+ Gunbreaker leveling rotation: Navigation
L60 Rotation Summary | L60 Skills explained | L60+ skills, and rotation effect.

WELL THATS IT FOR NOW. I’ll definitely be adding information. Good luck shooting and slashing with your Fresh L60+ Gunbreaker Leveling Rotation!

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FFXIV Dancer L60+ Rotation for leveling

So you’re a fresh Dancer and plopped into this world without a clue. Fear not! Our Dancer L60 & Leveling Rotation guide should help you get into the basic meat of things!

If you’re looking for a list of skills, check our Dancer General Guide, or preferably… your own skill list. Dancer enters the world with the following number of actions, all of which we will account for:

  • FIFTEEN Job actions
  • SIX Role actions

L60+ Dancer Leveling Rotation: Navigation
L60 Rotation Summary | L60 Skills explained | L60+ skills, and rotation effect.

Dancer L60 Rotation Summary

Here we discuss the single target rotation, AoE rotation, and cooldown usage of Dancer. If you need a skill by skill explanation and protips, it’s in the next section.


L60 Dancer Single Target Rotation

It would help to imagine Dancer’s L60 rotation as short combos that give you procs. Your skills have a “priority” system to put it SIMPLY.

 Your basic rotation loop looks something like this:

  1. Cascade > Fountain until you get any procs.
  2. Reverse Cascade and Fountainfall used ASAP, hoping for a Fourfold Feather.
  3. Have Feathers? Use Fan Dance in between GCD’s.
  4. Standard Step is up? Use it. It’s a huge nuke +Damage up buff.

But when thinking of it in a priority system it looks like this:

  1. Standard Step
  2. OGCD Fan Dances
  3. Reverse Cascade and Fountainfall procs
  4. Cascade into Fountain basic combo spam.

L60 Dancer AoE Rotation

This is essentially a mirror of the single target rotation, just using different skills.

Your basic AoE rotation loop looks something like this:

  1. Windmill > Bladeshower praying for procs.
  2. Rising Windmill and BLOODshower used ASAP hoping for Fourfold Feather.
  3. Have Feathers? Use Fan Dance II in between GCD’s.
  4. Standard Step is up? Use it. It’s a huge nuke +Damage up buff.

AoE rotation priority thought process:

  1. Standard Step
  2. OGCD Fan Dance II
  3. Rising Windmill & Blood Shower procs
  4. Windmill into Bladeshower basic AoE combo spam.

It all seems a little weird at first but it’s quite intuitive after a little while.

Dancer L60 skill by skill explanation and binding tips

Here, we bind your actions and help you understand them

Job ActionsRole Actions

If you need it, we have a skill table at Dancer General Guide.

Cascade – Your basic attack. For all intents and purposes is the “1” binding. You’ll be pressing this a lot. It combos into two possible branches so keep that into consideration. Part of your ‘dance step’ binds too.

Fountain – Your basic combo link from cascade. “2” binding. Part of your ‘dance step’ binds too.

Windmill – An AoE mirror of your basic attack. It’s the first skill in your AoE combo. This also has two possible branches. Part of your ‘dance step’ binds too. While I would usually recommend this to your defaul ‘AoE’ buttons, there are dance steps to consider (read the next skill).

Standard Step (short cooldown) – Heavy single target attack. Transforms your basic combos (Cascade, Fountain, Windmill, and Blade Shower) into “Dance Steps”. Meaning you should be very comfortable pressing any of these 4 skills in any order as your dances will use these skills as “steps” like a rhythm game. Also gives a damage up buff!

Reverse Cascade – a chance to combo from your basic combo Cascade, which has a chance to gain you a Fourfold Feather.

Blood Shower – the continuation of your AoE combo from Windmill. The final part of possible dance step binds.

Fan Dance – Use up a Fourfold Feather to deal single target damage. You can think of it as a “possible endpoint for your chance based combo”.

En Avant (short cooldown) – A dashing movement skill that does no damage. Bind it comfortably!

Curing Waltz (cooldown) – Double AoE cure centered around you and your dance partner. Very useful, and shouldn’t be hard to press.

Shield Samba (long cooldown) – Magic AoE dampening effect for your party. Very useful in raids, but it’s long cooldown suggest a further keybinding.

Closed Position (short cooldown) – designate a party member as your dance partner. You wont change this up very often mid-fight unless you’re a tryhard of the highest level (aligning dance partners to DPS cooldowns). Shouldn’t be too hard to click though, as you should redesignate a dance partner in the untimely death of your current one.

I’ll loosely discuss these Ranged DPS Role Actions in relation to Dancer.

Second Wind (Long cooldown): A heavy self-heal that can literally save your life in raids. I would bind it somewhere in the “6-7” tier. Not pressed too often, but should never be out of reach.

Peloton: A luxury skill that’s useful to walk faster out of combat in dungeons, towns, or the world map. Clicking this is fine.

Arm’s Length (Long cooldown): A very niche skill for Dancer, clicking this should be fine as you will very rarely find Raids wherein this is useful, and even then only a minimal amount of times in a fight.

Head Graze: Can be very useful in dungeons and some raids, tho very rarely still. It’s good to get used to this, and you may need to find space in your binding for it. But, almost every other class can interrupt too… It’s a tough call. Maybe click on it until your group needs it badly.

Leg Graze, Foot Graze: Are barely used outside of soloing. I wouldn’t put a specific Binding to these that you would be hassled for. Clicking would suffice.

Dancer L60+ How new skills affect rotation

I’ll add to this very soon.

WELL THATS IT FOR NOW. I’ll definitely be adding information. Good luck wrangling your Fresh L60+ Dancer Leveling Rotation!!!!

FFXIV Caster DPS Role Actions: Guide & FAQ

All you need to know about Caster Role Actions in FFXIV, the replacement for cross-class skills!

Here’s quick  guide about Magical Ranged Role Actions! Shadowbringers has brought yet another update to the Role Actions system (previously the cross-class skills system). This time around, we no longer have to choose – and have access to all Role Actions!

(As a note, people informally refer to these classes as “Caster”)

What Jobs get the Magical Ranged Role Actions?

Job Classes

Black Mage (BLM)
Summoner (SMN)
Red Mage (RDM)

Base Classes

Arcanist (ACN)
Thaumaturge (THM)

Caster DPS Role Actions – Navigation:
Caster Role Actions List | Role Actions Uses & Discussion

Magical Ranged Role Actions List

8AddleLowers target's intelligence and mind by 10% for 10s.10Instant90
18SwiftcastNext spell is cast without cast time.10Instant60
24Lucid DreamingRegain MP over time.21Instant60
44SurecastSpells can be cast without interruption. Ignore most position altering effects.6Instant120

Caster DPS Role Actions: Quick Strategy & Discussion

Here we talk a little bit about each of the role actions, and their applications.


Very useful for raids and other boss fights. Severely reduces the targets magic damage for a short period of time. Usually used to help mitigate heavy tank busters or raid AoE. Remember it only works on magic damage!


Usefulness depends from class to class, but generally speaking any caster can benefit from this. Will mostly be used to “move while doing a cast”, and can be saved for a fast Resurrection for Summoners. Black Mages love this, while Red Mages, well… It comes up every now and then.

Lucid Dreaming

Slowly restores mana. Should be used as often as possible for Red Mages and Summoners to regain mana over longer fights. Is it even useful for Black Mages!?


Very niche skill in some raid encounters. It’s super rare that a strategy would require the use of Surecast, but please be aware of this skill in your repertoire in case it does!

Caster DPS Role Actions – Navigation:
Caster Role Actions List | Role Actions Uses & Discussion

Well, that’s about it for the Magical Ranged Role Actions! FOR NOW! I’ll be adding to this soon.

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FFXIV Healer Role Actions: Guide & FAQ

All you need to know about Healer Role Actions in FFXIV, the replacement for cross-class skills!

Here’s quick  guide about Healer Role ActionsShadowbringers has brought yet another update to the Role Actions system (previously the cross-class skills system). This time around, we no longer have to choose – and have access to all Role Actions!

What Jobs get the Healer Role Actions?

Job Classes

Astrologian (AST)
Sage (SGE)
Scholar (SCH)
White Mage(WHM)

Base Class 

Conjurer (CNJ)

Healer Role Actions – Navigation:
Healer Role Actions List | Role Actions Uses & Discussion

Healer Role Actions list

8ReposePuts target to Sleep.302.52.5
10EsunaRemoves a single debuff from your target.-12.5
18SwiftcastNext spell is cast without cast time.10Instant60
24Lucid DreamingRegain MP over time.21Instant60
44SurecastSpells can be cast without interruption. Ignore most position altering effects.6Instant120
48RescuePull a party member to your side.-Instant150

Healer Role Actions: Quick Strategy & Discussion

Here we talk a little bit about each of the role actions, and their applications.


I dont think this has ever been used in raiding, but this is a godlike soloing and questing skill. Putting enemies to sleep so you can interact with objects is the best.


Bind it close – this comes up in almost all dungeons and many raids. And it’s very important to use when it does come up! Clearing a debuff is often the difference between life and death.


Will mostly be used to instant cast your resurrection, or AoE heal. I guarantee that’s the use 99% of the time. The other 1% is the rare heavy single target heal you need to make sure someone survives.

Lucid Dreaming

Use it often. Restoring your mana is great, for reasons I need not expound on. “Mo’ Mana, No Problems”. Timing on using it isn’t so important these days but try to avoid “mega overflow”.


Very niche skill in some raid encounters. It’s super rare that a strategy would require the use of Surecast, but please be aware of this skill in your repertoire in case it does!


An amazing skill that saves lives. Admittedly it’s quite difficult to use sometimes because of its “animation lock”. Admittedly I forget to use this when I could have saved someone – bind it “close enough”. I had it bound to 8 before, and I didn’t get much saving done until I bound it closer.

Healer Role Actions – Navigation:
Healer Role Actions List | Role Actions Uses & Discussion

Well, that’s about it for Healer Role Actions! FOR NOW! I’ll be adding to this soon.

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FFXIV Ranged DPS Role Actions: Guide & FAQ (Shadowbringers UPDATED)

All you need to know about Healer Role Actions in FFXIV, the replacement for cross-class skills!

Here’s quick  guide about Physical Ranged DPS Role Actions! Shadowbringers has brought yet another update to the Role Actions system (previously the cross-class skills system). This time around, we no longer have to choose – and have access to all Role Actions!

(As a note, people informally refer to these classes as “Ranged”)

What Jobs get the Physical Ranged Role Actions?

Job Classes

Bard (BRD)
Machinist (MCH)
Dancer (DNC)

Base Classes 

Archer (ARC)

Ranged DPS Role Actions – Navigation:
Ranged Role Actions List | Role Actions Uses & Discussion

Ranged DPS Role Actions list

6Leg GrazeAfflicts target with Heavy +40% for 10s.Instant3010
8Second WindRestore own HP, scales with attack power.
Cure Potency: 500
10Foot GrazeBinds target for 10s.Instant3010
20PelotonIncreases out of combat movespeed for nearby party members.Instant530
24Head GrazeInterrupts the use of a target's action.Instant30-
32Arm's LengthIgnore most position altering effects for 5s. Cause Slow +20% for 15s when struck.Instant1206(15)

Ranged DPS Role Actions: Quick Strategy & Discussion

Here we talk a little bit about each of the role actions, and their applications.

Leg Graze & Foot Graze

Mostly useful while soloing. This very very VERY becomes useful in raids. If it does, don’t fret not binding these skills as they aren’t commonly used anyway. Heavy and Bind really don’t come up very often in hardcore content.

The usefulness of Bind (and to a lesser extent Heavy) while questing is amazing!

Second Wind

Can save your life in raids when expertly used. Learn how to use it well! Never bad to have a self-heal while soloing too, of course.

Note: As a healer main there are very few instances where Second Wind ACTUALLY helps. It’s great for when you accidentally took a hit before a damaging mechanic. Ask your healers about it!

Head Graze

Interrupts are rarely used in raids, but very important when they are. Being a ranged character, it’s usually you or the tank who is responsible for it. Don’t sweat binding to a useful button, as it doesn’t come up very often.


A great little luxury skill to speed up dungeon runs in between pull and all non-combat walking in general. Godlike for questing and moving around in town, haha.

Arm’s Length

A very niche skill to cheese some raid encounters. Don’t worry about binding this (I would click it), as it really is quite rare. Remember this skill each time a knockback happens in a raid, and imagine how it could be most useful.

Ranged DPS Role Actions – Navigation:
Ranged Role Actions List | Role Actions Uses & Discussion

Well, that’s about it for Ranged DPS Role Actions! FOR NOW! I’ll be adding to this soon.

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FFXIV Tank Role Actions: Guide & FAQ (Shadowbringers UPDATED)

All you need to know about the Tank Role Actions introduced in Stormblood!

Welcome to our quick dirty guide on Tank Role Actions! Shadowbringers has brought yet another update to the Role Actions system (previously the cross-class skills system). This time around, we no longer have to choose – and have access to all Role Actions!

What Jobs get the Tank Role Actions?

Dark Knight (DRK)
Gunbreaker (GNB)
Paladin (PLD)
Warrior (WAR)

– base classes –
Gladiator (GLD)
Marauder (MRD)

Tank  Role Actions – Navigation:
Tank Role Actions List | Role Actions Uses & Discussion

Tank Role Actions List


Low Blow

Great for soloing and dungeons, rare for raids. a 5 second stun works wonders for mass dungeon pulls.


Integral for raids, and important for dungeons. Puts you at the top of your targets enmity list, BUT YOU NEED TO FOLLOW UP or else you’ll lose it again. No tank worth their salt should ever fumble their Provokes!


Interrupts are rarely used in raids, but very important when they are. It’s usually tanks or ranged that “silence” things. Don’t sweat binding to a useful button, as it doesn’t come up very often.


Amazing for raids. Use it to help mitigate tank busters, or other AoE nukes. Coordinate with your co-tank and healers for a cooldown rotation!

Keep in mind it has a very short duration, and the timing can be weird for some boss mechanics.

Arm’s Length

A niche skill that’s rarely comes up in raids. Anytime there’s a knockback in an encounter try to imagine how this skill would be best utilized to mitigate its effect on your positioning, or to ease up the mechanics.


INTEGRAL for many if not all raids. Allows for smoother tank swaps, used directly after your co-tank Provokes.

8RampartReduce damage taken by 20% for 20s.Instant9020
12Low BlowStuns Target for 5s.Instant255
15ProvokeGain top enmity of a target.Instant30-
18InterjectInterrupts cast bar of your target.Instant30-
22ReprisalLowers target's damage dealt by 10% for 5s.Instant605
32Arm's LengthIgnore most position altering effects for 5s. Cause Slow +20% for 15s when struck.Instant1206(15)
48ShirkDiverts 25% of enmity to target party member.Instant120-

Tank Role Actions: Quick Strategy & Discussion

Servers are up so uhh… I’ll add this later.

Tank  Role Actions – Navigation:
Tank Role Actions List | Role Actions Uses & Discussion

Well, that’s about it for Tank Role Actions! FOR NOW! I’ll be adding to this soon.

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