FFXIV White Mage Healing Guide (Cooldowns, DPS, etc…)

Everything you need to know about WHM gameplay. (almost)

Hi there! If you’re here, then you’re probably interested in learning a little bit more about White Mage gameplay. Well, you’ve made the right choice! In this White Mage Healing guide, we will be discussing all aspects of WHM in-game mechanics – Healing, Cooldowns, DPS, and a smattering of my thoughts / experiences. Hopefully you guys will learn even a bit!

DISCLAIMER: This guides main purpose isn’t to tell you EXACTLY how to play your White Mage. My aim is to give you the tools necessary to make decisions, form up new strategies, or get value where you might not have before.

White Mage Healing: The tools of the trade

Regen: in 99.9% cases, Regen should always be up on your current main tank while actively engaging enemies/boss. That’s non-negotiable – but there are things you should consider:

DO NOT reapply Regen if your tank is in immediate danger. If your tank MAY die in the next 2.5-5s, DO NOT reapply Regen if  it’s down. Regen is a tool to be used when things are relatively safe, and helps you incrementally. It definitely won’t solve anything RIGHT NOW, and don’t be too anal about the 100% uptime.

Clipping Regen? Most of the time you DO NOT want to clip Regen (Reapplying it before it’s icon disappears). Before we discuss this we have to study some of Regens stats…

It takes 15 seconds for Regen to be equally mana efficient as Cure I. (6s left on Regen)
It takes 9 seconds for Regen to be equally strong as a Cure I (12s left on Regen)
Regen costs around 40% more than Cure I, but heals for around 160% more.

I would only clip my own Regen if I know my GCD’s will be very valuable in the immediate future. Some examples:

The height of T13’s Zoo phase is coming, I want to make sure my Regen will be “fresh” for the upcoming heavy damage. If there’s an existing Regen, I wont hesitate to clip it.

Divine Seal+Regen: My Divine Seal is about to wear off – squeeze value by making regen your last skill (even if it’s already on)
36s Divine Seal Regen: Applying Regen upon casting Divine Seal, and once again before it wears off results in a 36~ second mega-Regen.

Don’t be too anal about this. It’s not the end of the world if you clip regen – just make sure you do it for a reason.

The most experienced White Mages will have this simple mantra: “I will use the RIGHT spell for the situation”.

Cure I or Cure II?: Most white mages have a misconception about when to use Cure I versus Cure II. Some people have a mysterious stigma against using Cure II at all, which is laughable. First, ask yourself what is the CORE difference between these two heals.

“At the cost of a mana, we get out of potentially troublesome situations faster”

FASTER – that’s the feeling that drives most WHM’s from using Cure II. Two Cure I’s would be even stronger than a Cure II, but people want to be stress free NOW. The difference between a common and experienced White Mage? One of them knows when “faster is necessary”. What’s the main determining factor of this? RISK. The higher the risk of the situation, the better Cure II becomes. How do you know when it’s risky? EXPERIENCE with the encounter.

Doing too many Cure II’s is the sign of a panicked White Mage, and your mana will go dry asap. Doing too few? It’s a sign of an all too fussy WHM who’s obsessed with the thought that mana conservation gives you style points. The most experienced White Mages will have this simple mantra “I will use the RIGHT spell for the situation”.

Identifying and squeezing value out of Stoneskin, and integrating it into your raid strategy
is a mark of an exceptional WHM

Stoneskin: Our only shield, and an extremely important weapon in the White Mage repertoire. It’s main use is to prepare people for massive incoming damage. the downside? Its slow-ass cast time. Hopefully I don’t need to explain this (It’s primary use)  further. But is that all there is to Stoneskin? Certainly not.

– In about 5 seconds, you know an add will spawn. SS your off-tank!
– You’ve just switched on Cleric Stance and something ‘feels wrong’. After Aero II you decide that, to reduce risk, you need to heal somebody. Stoneskin isn’t affected by cleric stance! It still shields for the full amount.
-Stoneskin while MT is running to pull. It blocks another hit.


Need a more advanced example?

In T13 (early on) enrage was a real threat. Healing was also very tight in some phases (Mega->Rage->Giga). Megaflare stack + tower was FATAL even with succor + soil. This caused our BLM to move unnecessarily when MEGA+Tower happens.By Stoneskinning him, he didn’t have to move out for tower, allowing him to cast without interruption. Same for myself, I can IMMEDIATELY channel an AoE heal for Rage of Bahamut right after Mega+Tower, not needing to move out of tower. Instead of “wondering if tower will spawn on me, and having to move out” – a simple Stoneskin streamlined the process.

Remember, It’s our only shield. Yes, it has a prohibitive cast time and not always usable. But identifying and squeezing value out of Stoneskin, and integrating it into your raid strategy is one of the many points that separate a basic WHM froman exceptional one.

Medica II is the hero we deserve, but not always the hero we need

Medica, Medica II, Cure III?: White Mages have 3 AoE skills. What’s the right time for each?

The basic answer is: Medica II. Medica II is hyper-efficient and amazing as long as you’re actually healing anything. 99.9% of the time Medica II is mana WELL SPENT. But what about the others?

Medica I serves a niche purpose. When you need to heal more than 2 people NOW. It has a faster cast time and costs less than Medica II, but is much much weaker. Never feel bad about using it though, as long as those few guys NEED to be healed ASAP. Never, NEVER use Medica I after Medica II just so “their life bar is full”. Again the main feeling you need in your gut before you channel Medica I is “Do these people need to be topped up RIGHT NOW?”.

Here’s an example of when that’s necessary: AoE comes out and Medica II is, of course, the max value heal you can do. Now, some guys took heavier damage than normal (no DK or Path…). While Med II would usually be safe… due to error some guys need to be topped up. Multiple cures would be a waste of mana and time… just bite the bullet and Medica I.

Cure III? The oft forgotten brother in the bunch. Cure III is the strongest AoE cure (in terms of burst). It’s weakness? Proximity. Cure III isn’t always heard about because it requires 1 thing to pull off successfully: Strategy.

Okay, example. Megaflare followed by Giga right away. You Medica II’d because that’s SOP. Well, Gigaflare is coming in about 4 seconds. Your teammates are too spread out! Desperately, you attempt to Medica I but still get crushed by Giga. Cure III would have gotten you out of this situation quite easily. But everyone has to get the memo. Your raid must know that, even in fringe cases, WHEN to stack for Cure III. So while there are situation only CIII can handle, everyone has to be on the same page strat-wise.

Finding creative uses for Cure III should always be on your mind. Healing both tanks with Akh Morn? Check. Need a big heal on myself and the guy running toward me? Channel Cure III. There’s a ton of ways to use Cure III, but be careful – don’t try to force it just to show off.

WHM Cooldowns: Best Practices

Shroud of Saints: Our most important cooldown. It gives us back some mana – the reduced enmity part doesn’t matter most of the time. Shroud has a 2 minute CD. In a 12 minute fight, I would realistically want to use Saints 5 times. Any less, and you should consider it YOUR ERROR. A general rule? try to use it after the first or second minute of the fight, and on cooldown from there. Holding on to if for “when you’re really low” makes NO SENSE. Using Saints actively keeps you further away from the “really low” state.

Divine Seal: is our basic cooldown. Short duration, short cooldown. Basic increase to healing potency! What’s not to love. You know what’s not to love? When you aren’t using it enough!! Let’s run down the basics of DS. DS has a CD of one minute. Thankfully this lines up perfectly with alot of mechanics. It lines up with alot of mechanics. T13 P2 adds? Once a minute. Final phase Megaflare? Once a minute. T12? Bennu? Once a minute. So on so forth. DS has three main uses if we analyze the core of what drives us to use it. One is “saving mana“, “fixing errors“, and “increased output

Saving Mana: There are some lull phases in every encounter. You can do the “36 second Regen” during this time. This saves alot of mana since SCH pet + this can heal through alot of basic attacks. Also in some mechanics (T13 final phase Mega as an example) where Med II wont heal your team fast enough in preparation for the next mechanic. You can use Divine Seal to make sure it does. (A side note on medica 2… it leaves a HoT on MT so there really is alot of value in that spell)

Fixing Error: In any case wherein a sudden burst of healing may help you – IE partner healer dies, tank must get another add since OT dies, etc. Divine Seal can definitely help you out of a bind. Not much to explain here

Increased Output: would be the standard category wherein most DS uses fall. If an add spawns, use DSEAL and regen both tanks, greatly preventing risk to both. Increased CI/CII of course. Basically, stronger healing = lesser risk.

The best White Mages are aware of these scenarios, and balances the usage of Divine Seal so that it’s never “up for too long”. Only saving DS for the same niche scenarios every time is definitely value lost. Hell, you can even DS Regen on pull – that’s some value gained right there.

Presence of Mind: The ultimate WHM cooldown. Double Spell Speed is no joke (and a small bonus why I itemize SS~DET for my BiS). Presence of Mind will allow you, practically, to solo heal almost any known encounter for its duration. That’s not a joke when you think about it. PoM is so strong that I almost feel guilty using it. Identify the riskiest parts of each encounter and feel free to use PoM there! Combined with Divine Seal, this can lead to even more disgusting things. Note that PoM reduces cast AND recast rate, so enjoy your GCD’s!

Sadly, alot of PoM’s are wasted via “both healers have swiftcast down” scenario wherein it becomes a speed-up for Raise. This isn’t a bad use, take note, it’s a necessary evil sometimes.

Eye for an Eye: Often underused or misused. First, I’ll break down what E4E does:

Your target gets the buff for 30 seconds.
Anyone hitting the buffed party member has a 10% chance to be “tagged” each time they hit that person.
Any enemy tagged by E4E deals 20% less damage for 20 seconds. This can refresh.

So what are we looking for in targeting someone with E4E?

Must player must be “getting hit” for the next 30s at least. (Nearing tankswap? Just tanking an add? NOPE)
The enemy must be present in the battlefield for (at most) 50s. (Add that dies quickly? Boss about to invul? NOPE)

So 99% of the time using E4E on main tank is the correct choice, since most of the damage comes from the boss. The boss also has the highest chance of triggering E4E, and will likely live long enough. Lets study a specific scenario and how to improve E4E’s use:

T8 – Dread spawns in 15 seconds:

Scenario A: One or both E4E are used on MT and OT respectively upon dread spawn.
Scenario B: Apply E4E on MT right now.

Which scenario is best?

Scenario B is the right choice. Why? A doesn’t really do anything unless you have extreme luck. E4E might not even proc fast enough for it to help during this “heightened risk” time in the raid. So why is B more legit? If we E4E the MT early, we give it more time to proc on the boss. So once the dread comes out, our MT will be at less of a risk, and we can focus a little more on the OT’s survival!

Remember guys, the longer E4E has time to bite, the better it is. Don’t expect E4E to take effect ASAP – the best healers know to precast E4E so it will help them when they need it. Not leaving things up to RNG.

VirusAs a White Mage, virus sucks a bit. It doesn’t reduce magical damage unlike our Arcanist buddies. So most of the time we can throw Virus on adds without having the feeling of wasting it. In fact, you should be doing this! I can give billion examples of adds worth virusing by White Mage, since the SCH/SMN virus is far more important. T8 Dreads, T12 Bennu, T13 Red, T5 Asceplius, T6 superslugs, T7 Deathdancer – the list goes on.

Long story short, since Virus for WHM only reduces physical attacks, it severely lessens its practical applications. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t use it as much as we can. We can even throw it to main boss if we’re sure Virus wont be needed in the next 45s (You cannot virus the same target 45s after initial Virus expires). Smart communication with your other casters in your raid should yield an optimal Virus setup for any encounter!

White Mage DPS Rotation

While a very unpopular choice, WHM’s can still DPS. In fact, if you do zero DPS, there’s something wrong with you. But sadly our horrific accuracy prevents us from doing this efficiently if we don’t specifically meld gear for it. Lets look at all the WHM DPS skills at the table below:

Stone II170------
Aero II50(+40)90130170(!)210--

What does this table tell us? Well first of all our point of comparison is Stone II, which is for all intents and purposes, the WHM basic attack. Our only 2 other basic attacks are Aero and Aero II (DoT’s). The WHM DoT’s match up quite poorly to Stone II. Clipping them in any way doesn’t give a net gain of Potency at any practical point. Good news it they’re more mana efficient than Stone II. Bottomline is do not clip Aero or Aero II. On a side note – Holy is our strongest potency skill, but has a restrictive cast time and mana cost. Only use in packs of 3 or more (sometimes 2). IE, AoE situations.

DoT’s fell off? It’s not the end of the world. Aero I should never be cast on an enemy whose life expectancy is less than 15s. Aero II should never be cast on an enemy whose life expectancy is less than 9s. Basic stuff, but it should be mentioned.

Here are some guidelines to get max value from your DoT’s
– Once Aero I has 1 second left on enemy, it’s 100% safe to recast it.
– Once Aero II has 2 Seconds left on enemy, its 100% safe to (pre)cast it.

Aero I is a little special, though. It’s a zero cast time skill, which WHM’s only have 2 of (Regen, and Aero). So it’s an excellent filler while moving even when out of cleric stance. It also serves as a great spell to use before using any of your buffs. Clipping it because you’re moving isn’t so bad. It’s better than just staring into space.

Most of the time, I consider WHM baseline DPS to be switching to Cleric, doing Aero II, Aero I, Fluid Aura then switch out. If you do this every 30s (CD of fluid), you’re probably doing more DPS than 90% of WHM’s out there.

I can go on a long explanation why SCH’s are supposed to do more DPS than a WHM. There’s plenty of reasons, but the main one would be SCH’s 3 skills which CANNOT MISS, as well as being in Cleric Stance as less disruptive to the SCH kit as compared to WHM’s. I guess portion belongs in my upcoming geberal healing guide.

Best DPS opener for WHM

Areo II, Aero, (Walk during GCD + Swiftcast), Holy (Stone II if mana may be an issue), Fluid Aura (on GCD), consider Saints Shroud (Revert to healing, or continue to use Stone II). Consider using PoM in this opener, too! But like all things healing, this isn’t so cut and dry. This opener does 1950 potency if you used 7 Stone II’s in your PoM. You can use a Mind Potion, too. That’s a ton of burst.

Related WHM Resources

White Mage BiS

(more resources to be added when they’re fixed, I guess)

Well thanks for reading my White Mage healing (and other things) guide. “But Mahiko San-” ADD IT IN COMMENTS! I’d love to hear from you guys. This is feels a little bloated at nearly 3000 words so I’m consideration halving it or… well I just kept writing and this is where it’s at (for now).

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FFXIV Chocobo Breeding & Racing: Whip it good!

How to breed the ultimate Chocobo – Rip up the racetrack and read the many many FAQS of breeding and racing! Feed, Pedigree, RNG and MORE!

So you’ve decided to exploit your feather friend(s) in Chocobo Racing? In this Chocobo Racing guide, we will discuss both major parts of the whole system: Breeding, Training, Feeding (everything about Raising) Chocobos is discussed in page 1 of this guide. Page 2 will be detailing the Racing Side (Tracks, Strategy and other race related information)

But for the 1M MGP question: “How do I start/unlock Chocobo Racing!?Gold Saucer, WEST of ENTRANCE DESK there is an elevator lift, here’s where you start the quest for Chocobo Races. Remember to activate the aetheryte here so you can aethernet goin’ up here.

All about Chocobo Breeding & Raising

Chocobo Feed (for Racing)

You are what you eat. Not surprisingly, this applies to Chocobos as well. Each time your chocobo levels up, you get ONE TRAINING SESSION. This basically means you can give him 1 piece of food. Grade 1 food gives 1 of the chosen stat, Grade 2 food gives 2 of the chosen stats, Grade 3 food gives three of the chosen stats.

You can buy grade 1 food in Bentbranch Meadows, CSH (20, 22). for 1500 Gil. You can buy Grade 2 food in GS for XXX MGP and Grade 3 food in GS for YYY MGP. First of all let’s look at how this pans out for the future of your chocobo racer. (For the table below, we assume average of 4.5 stats gained per level up, and looking at minimum breeding rank of 40)

Chocobo Feed?LevelupsFrom foodTotalCompare
1 all the way190402300%
2 all the way1908027017.4%
3 all the way19012031035% (15%)

Note that stat CAPS increase as the grade of your chocobo increases.

Hopefully you can make sense of this table. Though the importance of feed will SEEMINGLY be alot less as our chocobos rank up, time will tell. All I know is, the better feed you use, the easier it is to level up early on. Why? Because your chocobo will be a chunky % stronger than any chocobo fed on lower tier food – making winning races easier. It’s important to note that FEED DOESNT IMPROVE STAR RATING (I guess you can say the stars are genetics).


Chocobo Feed FAQ

Where do I farm Gregarious Worms / Mazlaya Greens? These appear in the unspoiled nodes of Gold Ore and Black Truffle respectively.
Mazlaya Greens: ETH XPM (Mazlaya is in slot 2, Black Truffle is in slot 7)
Gregarious Worms: ETH 9AM ET (Worm is in slot 1, Gold Ore is in slot 6)
They can only be gathered ONCE though.

How do I maximize each Worm/Green node? Use toil to discover the unreachables (no way around this). Gather the non-worm or non-green node until you’re at the last hit. Then use Blessed Harvest / Kings Yield so you can get more than 1 of these guys. You need close to 700 GP to do this (Since you gain a little gp while hitting… im guessing 675 is enough)

How can I easily get these feeds? Grade 1 can be bought with gil (don’t bother crafting this). Grade 2 can be bought with MGP or crafted, Grade 3 can be bought with MGP only. I prefer to craft Grade 2’s, because MGP is a bit harder to come by.

Where do I get this fruit!? that seed!? Okay, this needs table. (remember, Krakka Root seeds are bought from housing vendors)

Stat foodPlant neededCross 1Cross 2
SpeedSylkis BudKrakka RootAlmond
AccelerationPahsana FruitKrakka RootLinseed
StaminaMimett GourdKrakka RootMidland Cabbage
EnduranceTantalplantKrakka RootWizard Eggplant
CunningCuriel RootKrakka RootChamomile
Gregarious WormETH9AMSlot 1
Mazlaya GreensETH1PMSlot 2

Remember, if you’re attempting to breed these on your own, crossbreeding happens when you plant the seed. I guess the guys over at (ffxivgardening/planner) are a better source for this.

Breeding the ultimate Chocobo

I wish I could tell you guys more about this, but here is what I know for now:

Minimum Breeding Rank is 40. Once you “cover” (aka resign) your chocobo, you will now get something like a breeding permit. This breeding permit records the stats of the chocobo you retired. There are, however, some curious caveats. Once you cover a choco – you can use it to breed a max of 10 times.

AS I WAS WRITING THIS, I HAD TO DELETE A CHUNKY AMOUNT OF TEXT – There is still to many unknown factors, but I’ll continue to my conclusions in a bit. Check these out for other breeding info – here’s my take.

The ultimate Chocobo is a grade 9 4 star in each of the 5 statsWhile that may be obvious, we need to understand “how” we’re going to get there. And trust me, the HOW part is the bummer.

Star ratings are genetics: You cant improve them: no matter what grade of food, you cannot improve genetic garbage. Stars determine 2 things (starting stats, stat cap and possibly stat growth)

Stap cap calculation: Is a bit weird. I’ve seen some examples.. but I think I need to see more grade 3 and 4 chocobos. But in a nutshell – better star rating, higher stat cap. This formula I found, by /u/fawksb seems to hold up so far: (40x((Pedigree-1)+Star Rating))+20. So this would mean the ultra chocobo has 500 max in all stats, which is 2500 total stats.

When does my chocobo learn a skill? At level 10, your choco learns a random skill. Using MGP, you can unlearn a skill your chocobo got. If you unlearn, you get a new random skill the next time you rank up.

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FFXIV Triple Triad ULTRA Guide (Card & NPC list, etc…)

All you need to know about Triple Triad! Card list, NPC challenge list, where to get cards, Progression… basically, CARDS.

Hey fellow Triple Triad fanatics! In page 1 of our Triple Triad Guide, I’ll be putting what most people are here for: NPC list, Card checklist and Pack checklist. I will be adding a page 2 to this, which will likely contain explanation to Triple Triad Basics, Rules explanation and Progression. (Confused about plus/same?)

But lemme just answer the basic of the basics: How do I unlock/play Triple Triad? Unlock Gold Saucer from Ul’dah (Questname to follow), from there just take the introductory tour. but most of you are here for these:

P1: Triple Triad NPC | Triple Triad Card list | Triple Triad Packs
Page 2: Rules, strategy & progression

List Triple Triad Challengeable NPC’s

ZoneXYLocationRule ARule BFeePrizeOther Prizes (Chance)
GS47Gold SaucerTriple Triad MasterAll Open-510Spriggan, Chocobo
GS47Gold SaucerJonas of the Three SpadesOpenSame1022Ixal, Moogle
GS47Gold SaucerGuhtwint of the Three DiamondsThree OpenPlus1532Chocobo, Scarface Bugaal Ja
GS47Gold SaucerAurifort of the Three ClubsThree RandomOpen2050Goobue, Scarface Bugaal Ja
GS37Gold SaucerRuhtwyda of the Three HeartsAscension-2559Godbert Manderville, Urianger
GS37Gold SaucerKing Elmer IIIPlus-30117Godbert Manderville, Bahamut
LIMSA1111Upper Decks (Adventurers Guild)BaderonThree Open-2049Baderon Tenfingers
LIMSA1312Upper Decks (Maelstrom base)R'ashaht RhikiSamePlus30117Y'shtola, Leviathan, Merlwyb2PM to 7PM Eorzea time
ELN3530Costa Del SolGegejuruSudden DeathSwap30117Y'shtola, Minfillia
LLN2535Moraby DrydocksMimidoaThree Open-2049Biggs & Wedge-
LLN3515The Grey Fleet (N of Mist)TratchoumThree Open-2047Moogle, Titan8PM to 8AM Eorzea time
ULN1424Memeroons Trading Post (W)MemeroonAll Open-1023Amalj'aa, Memeroon-
ULDAH119Steps of Nald (Adventurers Guild)MomodiThree Open-1533Momodi
ULDAH98Steps of Nald (Near Aetheryte)WymondThree Open-1533Coblyn
ULDAH88Steps of Nald (Flames base)SwiftChaos-30110Ifrit, Raubahn6AM to11AM Eorzea time
WTH2217HorizonFufulupaThree Open-2048Thancred
CTH1930The Coffer & CoffinRogerAll Open-1022Pudding, Morbol
CTH2313The Bonfire (Materia place)F'hobhasThree Open-1533Mutamix
ETH2021HighbridgeHelmhartThree Open-2021Ultros & Typhon, Gerolt10AM to 8PM Eorzea Time
STH2440Sagolii Desert (Southmost)HabDescencion-30104Godbert, Thancred, Hildibrand & NashuComplete "Zombies are people too"
CCH1315Whitebrim FrontJoellautThree Open-2048Ixal, Alphinaud & Alisaie
CCH622near SnowcloakOurdilicOrder-2560Blue Dragon, Behemoth
GRID1111New Gridania (W of Aetheryte)MaisentaAll Open-1022Sylph, Coblyn
GRID1113New Gridania (Adventurers Guild)Mother MiounneThree Open-1532Gobbue, Mother Miounne
GRID911New Gridania (Twin Adder base)Vorsaile HeuloixAscension-30117Papalymo & Yda, Ramuh10PM to 3AM Eorzea time
CSH1618Above the 'ramp tree'MarcetteChaos-2560Frixio, Garuda4PM to 8AM Eorzea time
ESH1726Hawthorne HutPiralnautThree Open-2050Succubus, Frixio
SSH1720Buscarrons DruthersBuscarronOrder-2559Raya-O-Senna & A-Ruhn-Senna, Papalymo & Yda
SSH1628Camp TranquilLandenelFallen AceRandom2553Odin, Titan
NSH2423Ixal beastmen campSezul TotolocSamePlus2552Biggs & Wedge, Behemoth, CidMax rank Ixal Reputation
MD215Revenants TollRowenaRandom-30118Gerolt, Louisoix
MD1117Castrum area (Fogfens)Indolent ImperialAscension-30120Livia, Rhitahtyn, Nero

As always, new discoveries or other notes – comment or let us know!


Triple Triad Card Checklist (and source)

Card NameRarityUpRightDownLeftObtained fromType
Dodo CardCommon*4234Free-
Tonberry CardCommon*2272Wanderers Palace (Normal or Hard)-
Sabotender CardCommon*2344Free-
Spriggan CardCommon*2435Bronze Triad Card (520 MGP), Triple Triad Master (GS)-
Pudding CardCommon*2435Bronze Triad Card (520 MGP), Roger (CTH)-
Bomb CardCommon*3433Free-
Mandragora CardCommon*4253Free-
Coblyn CardCommon*3334Bronze Triad Card (520 MGP), Maisenta (NGRID)-
Morbol CardCommon*5252Roger (CTH), Aurum Vale-
Coeurl CardCommon*2525Free-
Ahriman CardCommon*5522Dzmael Darkhold-
Goobbue CardCommon*2552Bronze Triad Card (520 MGP), Mother Miounne (NGRID), Aurifort (GS)-
Chocobo CardCommon*3721600 MGP, Jonas (GS), Guhtwint (GS)-
Amalj'aa CardCommon*1471Silver Triad Card (1152 MGP), Memeroon (ULN)-
Ixal CardCommon*6134Jonas (GS), Joellaut (CCH)Beastmen
Sylph CardCommon*2454Maisenta (NGRID), Silver Triad Card (1152 MGP)Beastmen
Kobold CardCommon*2246Silver Triad Card (1152 MGP)Beastmen
Sahagin CardCommon*4533Sastasha (Normal of Hard)Beastmen
Tataru Taru CardCommon*7232Silver Triad Card (1152 MGP)-
Moogle CardCommon*2137Jonas (GS), 840 MGP-
Siren CardUncommon**3672Pharos Sirius-
Ultros & Typhon CardUncommon**2367Helmhart (ETH), Dragons Neck-
Demon Wall CardUncommon**6723Amdapor Keep (Normal of Hard)-
Succubus CardUncommon**7326Haukke Manor (Normal or Hard), Piralnaut (ESH)-
Chimera CardUncommon**7722Cutter's Cry-
Blue Dragon CardUncommon**2277Ourdillic (CCH), Stone Vigil (Normal of Hard)-
Scarface Bugaal Ja CardUncommon**6662Guhtwint (GS), Bronze Triad Card (520 MGP)Beastmen
Momodi ModiUncommon**7553Momodi (ULDAH), Gold Triad Card (2160 MGP)-
Baderon Tenfingers CardUncommon**3755Baderon (LIMSA), Gold Triad Card (2160 MGP)-
Mother Miounne CardUncommon**5537Mother Miounne (NGRID), Gold Triad Card (2160 MGP)-
Livia sas Junius CardUncommon**3771Indolent Imperial (MD), Castrum Meridiuanum-
Rhitahtyn sas Arvina CardUncommon**7137Indolent Imperial (MD), Cape Westwind-
Biggs & Wedge CardUncommon**7317Sezul Totoloc (NSH), Mimidoa (LLN)-
Gerolt CardUncommon**5375Helmhart (ETH), Rowena (MD), Gold Triad Card (2160 MGP)-
Frixio CardUncommon**1773Piralnaut (ESH), Marcette (CSH)-
Mutamix Bubblypots CardUncommon**6266F'hobhas (CTH)-
Memeroon CardUncommon**2666Memeroon (ULN)-
Behemoth CardRare***6662Bronze Triad Card (520 MGP), Sezul Totoloc (NSH), Ourdilic (CCH)-
Gilgamesh & Enkidu CardRare***8373Battle on the Big Bridge (Gilga)-
Ifrit CardRare***7167Ifrit HM/EX, Swift (ULDAH)-
Titan CardRare***1776Titan HM/EX, Trachtoum (LLN), Landenel (SSH)-
Garuda CardRare***7617Gaurda HM/EX, Marcette (CSH)-
Good King Moggle Mog XII CardRare***7671Mog HM/EX-
Raya-O-Senna & A-Ruhn-Senna CardRare***5666Buscarron (SSH), Landenel (SSH), 4800 MGP-
Godbert Manderville CardRare***6656Ruthwyda (GS), King Elmer III (GS), 9600 MGP-
Thancred CardRare***2387Hab (STH), Fufulupa (WTH)-
Nero tol Scaeva CardRare***4187Indolent Imperial (MD)-
Papalymo & Yda CardRare***3782Vorsaile Heuloix (NGRID)-
Y'shtola CardRare***7814Gegejuru (ELN), R'ashaht Rhiki (LIMSA)-
Urianger CardEpic****8147Ruthwyda (GS), Silver Triad Card (1152 MGP)-
Ultima Weapon CardEpic****7891Ultima HM, Gold Triad Card (2160 MGP)-
Odin CardEpic****8818Odin, Landenel (SSH)
Ramuh CardEpic****8188Ramuh HM/EX, Vorsaile Heuloix (NGIRD)-
Leviathan CardEpic****8881Leviathan HM/EX,-
Shiva CardEpic****1888Shiva HM/EX,-
Minfilia CardEpic****9835Minfilia Silver Triad Card, Gegejuru (ELN)-
Lahabrea CardEpic****4948Silver Triad Card (1152 MGP)-
Cid Garlond CardEpic****5992Gold Triad Card (2160 MGP), Sezul Totoloc (NSH)-
Alphinaud & Alisaie CardEpic****9339Swift (ULDAH), Joellaut (CCH)-
Louisoix Leveilleur CardLegendary*****9493Rowena (MD)-
Bahamut CardLegendary*****9596King Elmer III (GS)-
Hildibrand & Nashu Mhakaracca CardLegendary*****18A8Helmhart (ETH), Hab (STH)-
Nanamo Ul Namo CardLegendary*****A648400,000 MGP-
Gaius van Baelsar CardLegendary*****4A59Indolent Imperial (MD), Praetorium-
Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn CardLegendary*****59A3R'ashaht Rhiki (LIMSA)-
Kan-E-Senna CardLegendary*****9A17Vorsaile Heuloix (NGRID)-
Rhauban Aldynn CardLegendary*****629ASwift-
Warrior of Light CardLegendary*****A25AGold Triad Card (2160 MGP)-
Onion KnightLegendary*****828AWorld of Darkness-
Cecil HarveyLegendary*****4A4A???-
Bartz KlauserLegendary*****44AABattle in the Big Keep (Gilga)-
Terra BranfordLegendary*****AA52The Dragons Neck (Ultros)-
Cloud StrifeLegendary*****93981,000,000 MGP-
Squall Leonhart CardLegendary*****6AA1Achievement: Defeat 30 NPCs at Triple Triad-
Zidane Tribal CardLegendary*****5A68Gold Triad Card (2160 MGP)-
Tidus CardLegendary*****A971???-
ShantottoLegendary*****4979Achievement: Win 30 Triple Triad tournament matches-
Vaan CardLegendary*****17A9Achievement: Win 300 Triple Triad roulette matches.-
Lightning CardLegendary*****917A???-

Please lemme know thru comments/whatever of the Card Types.

Triple Triad Pack checklist

Bronze Triad CardPuddingSprigganGobbueCoblynScarface Bugaal JaBehemothNONENONE
Silver Triad CardKoboldAmaljaaIxalSylphTataruUriangerMinfiliaLahabrea
Gold Triad CardMiounneMomodiBaderonGeroltCidUltimaZidaneWarrior of Light

Obviously, don’t buy these if you’ve gotten all possible prizes.

Page 1: Triple Triad NPC | Triple Triad Card list | Triple Triad Packs
Page 2: Rules, strategy & progression

I will be adding a nice progression guide and other things to this, but for now this is the most important stuff you need to know. Here are other Triple Triad resources from outside the site. Good luck flippin’ up those cards and praying to the 12 for ‘Plus’ regional – you’ll need all the divine intervention to win versus these cheaters.

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FFXIV Heavensward Preparation: What to do?

How to prepare your character before 3.0 hits so you can come bursting out of the gates! Powerlevel and get ahead of the mass!

If you’re asking yourself “What can I do to prepare my character for Heavensward?” you’ve come to the right place. Here, we discuss what you can to BEFORE 3.0 hits so you can gain a slight, but meaningful advantage.

Feel free to comment/suggest more ideas for Heavensward preparation!

General Preparation (All character types~)

Finish your STORY QUEST: I’ll mention this again near the end of the guide – but this is pretty damn important! Make sure you’ve completed the VERY LAST STORY QUEST in 2.x questline.

Rested EXP: MAX OUT your rested EXP, as this will help you out immensely. AFAIK 72 hours in a sanctuary is the maximum (Anyone else know the exact amount?)

Prepare Food: We’re not really after the stats, so don’t worry about not having a stack of Flint Caviar, haha. The 3% EXP Bonus is what you’re after.

  • Gathering food for gatherers (perception isn’t important when leveling up)
  • CP/Craftsmanship food for crafters (Basic stuff, control is so-so leveling up)

Heat of Battle I / II: I’m talking about the Free Company Actions – A flat bonus to EXP gained from killing enemies. This USED TO STACK, although I/we haven’t done this in a while. Remind your FC leader/officers to buy a few of these.

99 Gyashl Greens: Take your chocobo out of the stable and stock up on Gyashl Greens, self-explanatory. Leveling up with a choco sure beats leveling up without one.

Find a group to play with: Goes without saying. Doing dungeons and other things without a group sucks compared to with.

Stocking up on Currency: We cannot know truly how useful they will be come 3.0, but might as well if you have nothing else to do…

  • Gil: of course, never a bad thing. Used for crafted gear, materia and other things.
  • Allied Seals: from hunting – you never know if it will be relevent!
  • GC Seals: surely will be relevant… cap it out before 3.0 comes!
  • Ventures: never a bad thing to stock up on. Remember, these guys will level up, too!


Disciple of War / Magic

For the love of god, AGAIN, please check that you’ve completed your story quest, first and foremost. Under your Quest Log > Complete > Main Scenario Quest > TBA should be the last entry.

10 Maximum Completed Levequests: You can get a chunky boost of EXP by completing a total of 10 relevant Levequests for DoW/DoM classes.

  • 4 Levequests from St. Coinachs Find (Battlecraft)
  • 6 GC Levequests from St. Coinachs Find
    • 2 From each GC (Maelstrom, Adder, Flames): You can do them even if you’re not part of that GC.

Note that level 40 Leves incur a penalty (Bluefog/Whitebrim), so I don’t recommend these. You also have a max of 16 active leves between all types. If you have no plans of leveling a crafter or gatherer, by all means repeat the same process in Whitebrim.

6 Maximum Beastman Quests: Complete any (preferably max reputation) Beastman Quest from any NON-IXAL Beast Tribe to get another 6 quests of bonus EXP. You can also do the highest 3 and second-highest 3 from the same tribe so you dont have to travel around. Note that you can only have a maximum of 6 Beast Tribe quests active.

Any random quest you have unfinished: Impractical, but if you have some high level quests lying around submit them before 3.0

Disciple of Hand

6 Maximum Completed Levequests: There are a total of 6 total relevant leves you can pre-complete to gain EXP in 3.0 – 3 from your crafter Hometown, 3 from local levemete (Mor Dhona).

  • From your crafters hometown: 1 Single-submits, 1 Courier, 1 Triple.
  • From St. Coinachs find: 2 Single-submits, 1 Triple.

Items needed for these leves: 4 from single/courier and 18 from repeatables,

What’s my crafters ‘hometown’? ALC, GSM, WVR: Ul’dah. CRP,LTW: Gridania. ARM, BSM, CUL: Limsa.

6 Maximum Beastman (IXAL ONLY) Quests: Complete any (preferably max reputation) IXAL quest to get another 3-6 quests of bonus EXP. Naturally, take the 3 highest rep quest first, then go downwards.  Note that you can only have a maximum of 6 Beast Tribe quests active.

GC Supply Missions: The moment you login, craft/buy the required items for the GC submission. This is a free leve, and if its a star-item, submitting HQ will chunk your EXP up a huge amount.

Disciple of Land

4 Maximum Completed Levequests: A decent chunk of EXP can be gained by doing this, make sure you have at least 1 of each “evaluation” levequest (since they give the highest exp).

  • 4 Levequests from St. Coinachs Find (Fieldcraft)

A decent gear set: While BiS is something most hard-core gatherers have, newer players might not have the time or gil to build this up. Remember, when leveling Gathering is far more important that Perception. So just buying i55 greens and capping Gathering is a good idea if you’re short on gil.

GC Provisioning Missions: The very second you login, farm/buy the required materials for the GC submission. This is a free leve, and if its a star-item, submitting HQ will chunk your EXP up a huge amount.

Spreading it between all classes?

So all these preparations have a combined limitation: 16 total active levequests & 6 total active beastmen quests. Here’s what I’ll be doing:

  • 4 Battlecraft Leves & 6 GC Leves completed on Main Character.
  • 6 Leves for Goldsmith
  • 6 Beastmen Quests for Goldsmith

There’s a bunch of ways to squeeze value here… for example:

  • 2x Triples & Courier for CRAFTER 1.
  • 2x Triples & Courier for CRAFTER 2.
  • 2x Evaluation for Miner.
  • 2x Evaluation for Botanist.
  • 2x Triples for Fisher.
  • 6x Leves (GC?) for Main Combat Class.
  • 6x Ixal quests split between 2 Crafters

In the end, it all depends on what you want to get up first. Since I’ll be raiding ASAP when 3.0 hits, I will be spending a lot of these resourced on my White Mage.

What to do before Heavensward?

I guess this is part of Heavensward preparation as well.. here are some things you might think about

Cross-class skill classes to 50: If you’re really bored, I suggest leveling up your base-classes to 50 – Why? For example, you main a BLM (50), so you got your ACN to 34 for Eye for an Eye, and Archer to 34 for Quelling Strikes. What if Heavensward releases a level 50+ cross-class skill from Archer or Arcanist? This idea dawned on me quite some time ago, so I decided to level up my mains cross-class classes to 50 (WHM: ACN, THM). You better do the same – it’s better to be safe than sorry. (DONT LET THIS BE SOMETHING YOU REGRET)

Level up some gathering? A luxury for most content… I mean, as of right now you aren’t missing much. This is a brainless source of gil for anyone who bothers themselves with it. Gathering classes are insanely easy to level up with rested EXP. (Related resources: Mining leveling, Botany leveling, Fishing leveling) It’s always better to HAVE the option to gather, rather than rely on others.

Level up some crafting? Again, another luxury, but if you’re out of things to do, might as well start! Max DoH classes might seem troublesome, but the ability to repair your own gear in duty is cool. And for most people, you’ll be able to make a constant stream of gil from any crafting endeavor. I’ve never been sad to be a Builder of the Realm since 2.0, and I think everyone should work up to it. Crafting is fun!

Related Resources:
ALC Leveling, ARM Leveling, BSM Leveling, CRP Leveling, CUL Leveling, GSM Leveling, LTW Leveling, WVR Leveling

Well, good luck preparing for Heavensward! To be honest, these are the ones I thought up of on the top of my head. Again, the most important part of this whole document may just be the bit about cross-class skills. If you have suggestions PLEASE COMMENT!

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FFXIV Relic / Zodiac Weapon COMPLETE Guide

Have no relic? Need advice on ANY step on your relic? This relic weapon guide will help you. START to FINISH!

This page is a ‘legacy’ guide for 2.0 Relics

So you wanna get your very first relic? Or you need help in any step of the relic weapon? You’ve come to the right place. In this Relic Weapon Guide, we try to give you any tips we’ve learned to make any step of the relic quest a LITTLE LESS PAINFUL. A fair waning, to complete a Zodiac weapon will take part of your soul. Small navigation links are provided right below so you can skip to where you are in your relic quest. please FEEL FREE to comment on any suggestions! Try to start your comment with the tag ((ANIMUS)) if you’re giving a tip for Animus, ((NEXUS)) for Nexus and so on.

**I made this guide as an “eternal” version of our older relic guides found here(Pre-relic to zenith), and here (Atma onwards – compiled here). The page you’re currently on is the ‘final’ and most updated version. Goin forward in 3.0 and beyond, we will be using a unified relic post that adds a new page for each step.

Jump to most recent step: Zodiac Zeta
(No Relic) || (Base Relic -> Zenith)
(Zenith -> Atma) || (Atma -> Animus)
(Animus -> Novus) || (Novus -> Nexus)
(Nexus -> Zodiac) || (Zodiac -> Zeta)

Getting your first Relic Weapon!

“Follow and read your quest log. Seriously.”

First of all, you must be level 50, have all class and job quests done for your job, and completed the story quest. The quest to start your Relic Weapon is “The Weaponsmith of Legend”, located in Vesper Bay (Northern Thanalan). You will end up going to Rowena (who you’re familiar with by now…) and eventually Gerolt (who you’ll come to hate, haha). He will ask you to complete step 1: Broken Weapon. Which is just a fetch quest. On to the next step!


Step 2: Pre-relic weapon / materia table

ClassPre-relicMateriaMelded & Crafted by
PLDAeolian Scimitar2x Battledance IIIBSM (Blacksmith)
WARBarbarians Bardiche2x Battledance IIIBSM (Blacksmith)
WHMMadmans Whispering Rod2x Quicktongue IIICRP (Carpenter)
SCHErudites Picatrix of Healing2x Quicktongue IIIALC (Alchemist)
BLMSanguine Scepter2x Savage Might IIIGSM (Goldsmith)
SMNErudites Picatrix of Casting2x Savage Might IIIALC (Alchemist)
MNKWildlings Cesti2x Savage Aim IIIGSM (Goldsmith)
NINVampers Knives2x Heavens Eye IIIALC (Alchemist)
DRGChampions Lance2x Savage Aim IIICRP (Carpenter)
BRDLongarms Composite Bow2x Heavens Eye IIICRP (Carpenter)

Step 3: Alumina Salts: is basically defeating Dhorme Chimera.  This can be unlocked via Coerthas Central Highlands (X-32, Y-6) (Upper right cave). If you’re reading this in 2015 or more – this guys a chump. WITH YOUR “RELIC” EQUIPPED

Step 4: running Amdapor Keep for an Amdapor Glyph. WITH YOUR “RELIC” EQUIPPED.

Step 5: killing 24 beastmen. Keep following the quest log… WITH YOUR “RELIC” EQUIPPED

Step 6: defeat Hydra. This can be unlocked via Eastern Thanalan (x14,y30) (Next to Halatali entrance). WITH YOUR “RELIC” EQUIPPED.

Step 7: Kill the Hardmode Primals (Ifrit -> Garuda -> Titan). Running these on Duty Finder (even if you’re a brand new player), will probably clear no matter what. The exception to this is Titan HM, which you might want to learn a bit. There was a time that “Obtain Hyperfused ore” was stuck in peoples quest logs for quite some time… Again, WITH YOUR “RELIC” EQUIPPED.

Step 8: Buying Radz-at-han Quenching Oil, costs some lesser tomestones, and voila you have a relic! (This is not the end, please look forward to it. TM). You should have your first Relic!

JobRelic Weapon (hover over link to view)
Black MageStardust Rod
BardArtemis Bow
DragoonGae Bolg
Holy Shield
SummonerThe Veil of Wiyu
White MageThyrus

Upgrading your Base Relic to Zenith

This is by far the simplest step. Obtain 3x Thavnarian mist which are purchased using lesser tomestones.

Good luck getting your very first relic! I assume you’re going to be checking the Zenith step next. Any tips or info to share? feel free to comment below!

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(No Relic) || (Base Relic -> Zenith)
(Zenith -> Atma) || (Atma -> Animus)
(Animus -> Novus) || (Novus -> Nexus)
(Nexus -> Zodiac)  || (Zodiac -> Zeta)

FFXIV Amdapor Keep (AK HARD) Speedrun & Guide

FFXIV Amdapor Keep (AK HARD) Speedrun & Guide – notes to make your speedrun faster, and general dungeon strategy for FIRST TIMERS to AK hard!

Unlocks via Quest: Not Easy Being Green (Mor Dhona)
Item level requirement: 90
Item level of dropped gear: 100
Also drops 3-star crafting materials (Saurian Skin, Cashmere Fleece etc tier)

General Info (Top) || Speedrun/Map || Boss Guides

AK Hard: General enemy tips
Give a VULNERABILITY UP debuff to YOU and YOUR ENEMIES – use them to your advantage!
Knotted Treant: They spawn weak adds, generally they can be ignored unless you pile them up with your SR pull.
Vulnerability Up on tank? No problem – esuna it!

Amdapor Keep (AK) Hard Speedrun

ampdapor keep hard mode akhm speedrun map ffxiv

AK HM can be completed in a minimum of THREE BIG PULLS. Five or four if you’re being safe. And the forced “gauntlet” before the final boss. Special thanks to Claes Henrietta and Rylai Ariamis for the help with notes/map!! The above map says 4 pulls, but Pull 1 and 2 can be combined by killing the Ochu and proceeding (a bit on the risky side).

Pull 1: The first pack + the ochu, Don’t blow any CD’s here, It’s a small pull. Can be combined with pull 2.

Pull 2: This is the only “debatable” pull, and is stragely difficult. there are three ways to do this:
Pull 2 MAX: Drag EVERYTHING to the treant.
Pull 2 using tentacle: Drag all non treant mobs back to the tentacle. potentially dangerous.
Pull 2 split: Drag whatever you can to the pre-treant tentacle, then the remaining chumps+tree.

The general consensus is Pull 2 MAX is the “best”, but can be a backbreaker. Pull 2 tentacle depends too much on mob movement, and Pull 2 split is best for iffy groups. You want to use all your cooldowns for this.

(boss 1)->Pull 3: A short pull, gather them up and use the tentacle to give the mobs vuln up. Kill tree after.
Pull 3 VALUE: Tag the mobs with tentacle vul up, then move to the tree.

Pull 4: This is a LONG WALK. Sprinting could be an option. As always sprint pulls are gonna be a little easier for paladins. Use the tentacle of heavenly value. ALWAYS
Pull 4 VALUE: Tag them with vuln up, then move to the tree. This can be very risky.

(boss 2), Gauntlet, then (boss3): And you’re done! Potentially the fastest SR in this tier of dungeons.

We will be recording a vid of the “minimum possible (3) pulls” for both warrior and paladin – stay tuned.

((Back to Top))


Boss 1: Anchag (“Odin”)

  • Charge is unavoidable. Walking nearer to him does significantly reduced damage. Instakills statues – careful.
  • Lasers: Targetted ally must move behind statues. Extremely strong damage otherwise.
  • Hiding behind higher health statues is preferred. (Statues may die WHILE lasering)
  • All his attacks, even his basic DAMAGES statues: Tanking in middle is safest.
  • Laser affects tank (rare, but it killed me once lol)

Not many special mechanics behind this guy. Just burn him as fast as possible. TIP: Tank reposition to new statue after each laser. No joke, lasers are fatal and you should avoid them.

((Back to Top))

Boss 2: Boogeyman

  • Boogeyman periodically goes Invisible. He cannot be damaged/targetted during this time – but you can still “see” him.
  • When you kill Luminescence(add) stand in the AoE it leaves upon death. It gives you a buff.
  • Going near the boss while buffed reveals him. (Buff signified by pulsing light)
  • “DODGE” the massive cone by facing AWAY from him ala Melusine.
  • Kill the big fat add with a long channeled skill: causes a raidwide bleed.

TIP: The dead bodies on the ground signify the adds spawnpoints. The first set is the two chumps, second set is two chumps + fat.

((Back to Top))

Boss 3 (Final): Ferdiad

  • Kill adds tethered to boss. (Stops “wild card” from expanding)
  • Slime adds bind the target. Slimed people can free themselves by helping DPS.
  • In the 2 slime 1 fat tether setup: just dps the fat tether guy.

The final boss isn’t very notable, pretty much common sense mechanics. TIP: Don’t clump up, the blades left by Black Wind can be annoying if you’re clumped up with friends.

((Back to Top))

Other dungeons released in this tier (2.5):
Amdapor Keep (Hard) || Wanderers Palace (Hard) || Keeper of the Lake

I hope our Ampdapor Keep Hard guide was useful to you! As always, careful speedrunning and be good to first timers!

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FFXIV Wanderers Palace (WP HARD) Speedrun & Guide

FFXIV Wanderers Palace (HARD) Speedrun & Guide – notes to make your speedrun faster, and general dungeon strategy for first timers to WP hard!

Unlocks via Quest: Not Easy Being Green (Mor Dhona)
Item level requirement: 90
Item level of dropped gear: 100
Also drops 3-star crafting materials (Saurian Skin, Cashmere Fleece etc tier)

General Info (Top) || Speedrun/Map || Boss Guides

WP Hard: General enemy tips
Ignore Banners/Flags/Standards: 
Drag enemies out instead

Wanderers Palace (WP) Hard Speedrun

wanderers palace hard mode wphm speedrun map ffxiv

WP HARD is the longest dungeon in this bunch – it can be completed in a minimum of EIGHT PULLS. Although, for many groups, 9 or 10 seems to be the average! Special thanks to Claes Henrietta and Rylai Ariamis for the help with notes/map!

Pull 1: Small pull with 4 mobs, don’t waste anything here.
Pull 2: While not the beefiest of pulls, use your CD’s here since the next pull is chumpy, then boss follows
Pull 3: Small, time extending pull (boss 1 follows)

Pull 4: Can be a tricky pull due to camera angle, LOS the first pile behind the first corner, and get the rest of the chunk. Use SOME cooldowns here – it’s a bit heavy.
Pull 5: This pull is usually split, for good reason. It’s an insane pull that maxes out at 10 or 11 mobs. This, PLUS the fact the previous pull was heavy. Going all the way is NOT recommended for groups that AoE slowly. (boss 2 follows)

Pull  6: A lot of people think you have to stop at the 3 mobs.. you can actually pull allllll the way to the locked up tonberrys. It’s an easy pull of 5 mobs.
Pull 7: is a forced time waster. This is the “slime room”.
Pull 8: People usually split this but you can actually open the door and drag the pudding all the way to the end!!! This is value. (final boss follows)

((Back to Top))

Pull 5 is killer, you might need to chill out if you think your group isn’t up to snuff. We will be recording a vid of the “minimum possible pulls” for both warrior and paladin – stay tuned.


Boss 1: Frumious Koheel Ja

  • Spawns these fireball adds that CANNOT be ignored.

Overall a nondescript boss which doesn’t do anything special. To be honest, I want to type more here – but I just cant.

((Back to Top))

Boss 2: Slithy Zolool Ja

  • Randomly spawns a bunch of flags. You must get (walk into) them to survive. Each flag corresponds to an effect.
  • 3 Negative totem types exist: Heavy, Frog, Fire RES down.
  • One positive type exists: Damage dealt UP – DPS pick these up! BOSS MUST NOT ABSORB THIS.
  • Other totems MAY BE ignored (Except, frog totem cancels out your frog status)
  • Colors are random each time – just remember the DPS+, and healer get everything else!

Key reminders: DPS+ is massive value if picked up by DPS, and massive non-value if picked up by the boss. Frog totem cancelling DPS frog status will greatly reduce the encounter time.

((Back to Top))

Boss 3 (Final): Manxome Molaa Jaja

  • Does a random slash which leaves a debuff: YOU CANNOT GET HIT BY HIS PBAOE if you have this debuff.
  • Leaves flags (standard), just drag him away from the buffing AoE and continue killing.
  • SACRED IDOL must be killed. Looks like the flags, so be aware.
  • Healers: the Doom icon is similar to PS Sire: Healing to full cancels the doom.

TIPS: Don’t stay too far from the boss. he has a MASSIVE cone attack that you might not get out of. Don’t tunnel – kill Sacred Idol ASAP.

((Back to Top))

Other dungeons released in this tier (2.5):
Amdapor Keep (Hard) || Wanderers Palace (Hard) || Keeper of the Lake

Hopefully our Wanderers Palace Hard guide helped you out! Remember, careful speedrunning and accommodate first timers!

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FFXIV Keeper of The Lake Guide & Speedrun

UPDATED! Keeper of the Lake dungeon strategy guide! Having trouble killing the last boss? Beat up those dragons – get in here and find out how!

Unlocks via Story Quest Requirement. (Dungeon located in Mor Dhona)
Item level requirement: 90
Item level of dropped gear: 100
Also drops 3-star crafting materials (Saurian Skin, Cashmere Fleece etc tier)

General Info (Top) || Speedrun/Map || Boss Guides

Keeper of the Lake: Speedrun

KOTL: General enemy tips
Pre last boss pulls: 
the random helicopter bombs can damage enemies!

keeper of the lake kotl speedrun map ffxiv

KOTL can be completed in a minimum of SIX PULLS. Seven should be the absolute max! Special thanks to Claes Henrietta and Rylai Ariamis for the help with notes/map!

Pull 1: Useless pull… 3 crabs. Don’t blow any CD’s here.
Pull 2: A bit of a beefy pull. Get all 7 mobs and don’t spare any cooldowns. (boss 1 follows)

Pull 3: Another time extending useless pull. Kill them and get the key to proceed.

Pull 4: THIS CAN (and USUALLY is) split into two. Aggro the chumps, kill the computer, aggro the robot then AoE them down. Do not kill the dudes, then robot… You can pull the whole family but this can be RISKY! This is by far the best use of LB if you do try to pull this off! (boss 2 follows)

Pull 5 and 6: The flying machine AoE’s AFFECT THE ENEMIES. Lure the AoE to the pile by having everyone loosely stack around the mobs, as it targets a random party member.

((Back to Top))


First boss: Einhander

Spawns tanks of fuel at certain intervals. His frontal cleave (and presumably other skills) destroy it and deal damage to nearby allies. Face the boss away from all times and move away from tanks if needed. Sucks all tanks and party members towards him, so move a bit away and face him outside. In a nutshell

  • Spawns fuel tanks you should be far away from. His skills damage these objects – don’t let them die.
  • Small (auxiliary) tanks do around 1-2k… large (main) tanks explode for a TON.  Tanks can set off other tanks… be careful!
  • Pulls all party members and spawned fuel tanks towards it.
  • Reposition away from the fuel tanks and face away from party as usual.
  • Tanks can be knocked around just like Brayflox HM bombs.

Having your MT make small efficient movements to prevent explosion clusterf*cks is key to reducing encounter time here. Pure tunneling, while possible, can cause some unexpected chain explosions.

((Back to Top))

Second Boss: Magitek Gunship

A big mechanical middle finger to melee classes, this guy is just annoying.

  • Spawns adds: 4 chumps, (interval) Magitek Vanguard. The vanguard is chunky.
  • When he moves randomly, he’s setting up his flame skill.
  • He moves in a random direction leaving behind an extremely painful fire DoT. Stay away from these. Especially sucky for melee.
  • If you didn’t use Magic LB earlier: consider using it on Vanguard+Boss. BETTER YET: Ignore the Magitek Vanguard and focus down the boss – he vanishes when it’s over!

((Back to Top))

Final Boss: Midgardsormr

After pulling the boss, a short time passes until first dragon (yellow) resurrrects:

  • Boss is invulnerable during this time.
  • Has a frontal cleave.
  • Wait for a smaller add to spawn – kill this ASAP and get inside the shield it spawns (Similar to Halatali HM)

Boss does a raidwide kill unless you are inside the shield. Kill yellow before the second (blue) dragon spawns:

  • Boss is invulnerable during this time.
  • Has frontal cleave.
  • Must be NEAR BOSS to be damaged.
  • Same mechanic here… small add spawns > kill it > get inside barrier.

Again, your party is dead if you fail to get into the shield. Kill the blue dragon before focusing on boss and killing it. Aside from the above, just avoid all the colorful AoE and you’ll be fine.

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Other dungeons released in this tier (2.5):
Amdapor Keep (Hard) || Wanderers Palace (Hard) || Keeper of the Lake

Well, I hope you found our Keeper of the Lake guide helpful! GL to you Speedrunners and new players alike!

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FFXIV Novus Stats Melding (Recommendations)

A nice guide to help you find out what stats and materia SUITS YOU for your Novus Relic Weapon!

So you’re done with the hellish Animus Grind – Welcome to the grindy world of Novus! But wait – What stats should you meld on your Novus!? If that’s what you’re wondering you’ve come to the right place. Let us guide you through the different ways you can meld your Novus Relic!!! Good luck! Each weapon recommendation has My FC Mates Mainclass recommendations. and My preference.


TankCurtana / Holy Shield Novus (PLD) || Bravura Novus Stats (WAR)
Healer: Thyrus Novus Stats (WHM) || Omnilex Novus Stats (SCH)
Melee: Sphairai Novus Stats (MNK) || Yoshimitsu Novus Stats (NIN)|| Gae Bolg Novus Stats (DRG)
Caster: Stardust Rod Novus Stats (BLM) || Veil of Wiyu Novus Stats (SMN)

Novus Stats FAQ

Novus to Nexus stat bonus? Huh? for each 22 of a stat, you get a small bonus when upgrading to Nexus. Each weapon can have 3 of these bonuses and we aim to capitalize on it (44 on a stat makes this bonus twice). Sadly, PLD Curtana/Holy Shield can only cap out on 2 of these bonuses.

Accuracy on DPS Novus!?!? Yes. Each DPS class (and tank class) has Accuracy on my “practical” melding recommendation. WHY? For added flexibility choosing the best gear. What happens if you dip below accuracy and are forced to use Skill Speed gear (I’m looking at you, Bard) – oooo I bet you wished you had ACC on your Novus now! Besides RELIC will almost always be filler to final boss weapons.

I MADE A MISTAKE MELDING MY NOVUS!? HELP!? Chill. You can fix that once your Novus is complete. You just need 1 Alexandrite and 1 Materia for each mismeld you did.

If you had one – what melds would you use!? MY (Subjective) preference is underlined and bolded.

I’m poor! Help! The lessen cost melds contain no IV’s AFAIK – and are sometimes even better.

Curtana (Holy Shield) Novus Stats Melding

Defensive: 31 Parry, 22 ACC
+Holy Shield: 11 Parry 11 ACC

A full defense, full flexibility meld that helps you switch gear around for maximizing other stats. Overall, a GREAT choice for any PLD.

Defensive (lessen costs): 22 Parry 22 Accuracy 9 DET
+Holy Shield: 8 Parry 8 ACC 6 DET

Sacrifice a little flexibility for some balance (and money saving) DET on your Curtana/Holy Shield is still pretty damn good.

No Parry: 22 Accuracy 22 DET 9 CRIT
+Holy Shield: 9 DET, 13 CRIT

For the above meld, freely adjust your CRIT and ACC numbers. Max out on DET if you can.

No Parry (lessen costs): 14 ACC 16 DET  23 CRIT
+Holy Shield: 8 ACC, 6 DET, 8 CRIT

This meld is a little weird… you don’t get any stat bonus but save a couple million gil :D.

A note on curtana: It’s hard to save money WHILE shooting for stat bonuses since curtana reaches the Materia IV tier much faster. It’s a bit annoying how the stats are split between the two weapons, but what can we do…

Waiting for FC input!

Mahiko San’s preference: Defensive (Lessen costs) – Since this is a tank class – removing ACC from your relic is folly. A good mix of Parry/ACC/DET is a solid build while saving money – what’s not to like!?

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Bravura Novus Stats Melding

Practical: 31 DET 22 ACC 22 CRIT
Practical (lessen costs): 22 ACC 23 DET 30 CRIT

I have to say this is a bit influenced by our groups playstyle. We try to make our Warrior OT as much as possible. IN MY OPINION, WAR OT is super effective due to debuff placements, this matters more since we run with a NIN. The melds above also serves as the “No Parry” Bravura melds.

Defensive: 44 Parry 22 ACC 9 DET
Defensive (lessen costs): 31 Parry 22 ACC 22 DET

Basic full defensive meld and a more balanced (IMO Superior) build that saves money and gives a great balance of stats.

Waiting for FC input!

Mahiko San’s preference: Defensive (lessen costs) –  The more I look at that spread of stats, the better it seems. Since the benefit of CRIT isn’t that huge, 22 DET and 31 Parry seem like a great spread between offense and defense! HOWEVER since my group favors WAR OT HEAVILY, I’d personally meld Practical(lessen costs) for MY team.

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Thyrus Novus Stats Melding

Balanced: 31 Piety, 22 DET, 22 Spell Speed
A good balance of stats – everything your WHM needs!

Balanced (lessen costs): 24 Piety, 23 DET, 28 Spell Speed

Accuracy: 31 Accuracy, 22 Piety 22 DET (Not as good compared to Accuracy on SCH Omnilex)

Just like the Omnilex, the “best stats” for Thyrus will never be universal. Each healer prefers this or that, and depends on playstyle/group. The above are solid recommendations none the less.

Mahiko San‘s (Official FC White Mage!) Novus: (Balanced)

First of all, let’s start with the 22 DET and 22 Spell Speed: I chose this because I don’t want too much DET or too much SS. My playstyle and speed of progression, however, cannot permit me to ELIMINATE Spell Speed (clutch heals and handling mechanics favors SS, not DET). Also, having at least 22 on a Novus stat gives you a +1 stat bonus when it upgrades. So why not, right?

Alot of WHM’s really like DET and don’t like SS. If that’s the case then simply meld 31 into DET, but I personally would not recommend it. The main reason people hate on SS is that bosses are “scripted” and precasting heals + perfect play leads to not needing it. People forget that actual human beings (not robots) pilot characters, and while PROGRESSING FAST thru raids, perfect play isn’t always there since knowledge of the encounter isn’t “ingrained in memory” yet. I like SS a little more than DET, and I stick to that. But I wouldn’t want to live without either.

Rest in Piety (31): I really like Piety. The max is 33 but if you choose to max it out you miss on a stat bonus from another stat (supporting stats cannot reach 22). This seems to be a no brainer. The very minimum Piety I’d meld on a Thyrus is 22. But since it’s the stat I FAVOR MOST – I put as much of it as I can.

No Crit? Yes, no crit. I DO NOT LIKE CRIT on White Mages – plain and simple. If you like crit – by all means… But I personally cannot and would not recommend it.

Lastly, Accuracy on Thyrus? isn’t bad if your group knows how to use it. I wanted to, but ultimately would rather meld Accuracy into body pieces/accessories if needed.

Mahiko San’s preference: Balanced –  Well, for the sake of continuity I had to put this section. If it isn’t obvious by now I chose the Balanced strat. 31 Piety, 22 DET and 22 SS.

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Omnilex Novus Stats Melding

CRIT Heavy: SCH: 44 CRIT +(31 DET or 31 Piety)
CRIT Heavy(lessen costs): 31 CRIT 22 DET 22 Piety

The obvious crit focused builds. I prefer the lessen costs one here since you may drop too much piety depending on itemization.

Accuracy*: 31 Accuracy, 22 CRIT 22 DET

Don’t laugh. I’d meld my Omnilex this way if I had one.

Like the Thyrus – healing stats really vary from person to person. Adjust as you see fit depending on your statics needs and your own play. Adjust accordingly!

Waiting for FC input!

Mahiko San’s preference: CRIT Heavy(lessen costs) OR Accuracy –  Depending on your groups need/speed, either of these two builds would work wonderfully. If you don’t DPS often, stick to the CRIT Heavy (lessen costs).

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Artemis Bow Novus Stats Melding

Practical: 44 CRIT 22 ACC 9 DET
Practical (Lessen Costs): 31 CRIT 22 ACC 22 DET

Heavy crit for more Bloodletters – no explanation needed here.

Brainless DPS: 44 CRIT 31 DET
Brainless DPS (lessen costs): Doesn’t exist

Well, trying to get as much CRIT as you can is a no-brainer. DET as a supporting stat is always good for any DPS class.

Waiting for FC input!

Mahiko San’s preference: Practical – I would NEVER meld an Artemis Bow without Accuracy, but that’s just me. If you’re really poor, the “lessen costs” variant is still EXTREMELY SOLID. Again, the accuracy on Artemis Bow helps you make sure you don’t get gimped by your own gear drops (like in FCoB tier).

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Sphairai Novus Stats Melding

Practical: 31 DET 22 ACC 22 CRIT
Practical (Lessen costs): 30 CRIT 23 DET 22 ACC

Brainless DPS: 31 DET 44 CRIT
Brainless DPS (Lessen costs): 23 DET 31 CRIT 22 Skill Speed

DET ACC CRIT is a common theme amongst DPS relic weapons which you’ll see alot coming up.

Tiffany Faye ‘s (Official FC Monk!) Novus: (Practical)

I recommend the 31-22-22 (DET ACC CRIT) meld because the relic is your comfort weapon. Having accuracy on your main weapon will give you the best flexibility when itemizing your character.
Although the current BiS list for monk already has sufficient accuracy even with the Crit/Det Dreadwyrm weapon, new equipment with better stats might come out on other slots (for example, a Crit/Det rings to replace the Ironworks Str Ring). The Accuracy zodiac would allow you to use the new ring without dropping below the accuracy cap.

Another reason I prefer the 31-22-22 meld because it is MUCH cheaper (potentially save millions of gil by skipping Crit IVs)

Mahiko San’s preference: Practical – 31 DET on MNK is insane if you can afford it. There’s really not much else to say with these straightforward DPS relics like Sphairai.

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Yoshimitsu Novus Stats Melding

Practical: 31 DET 22 ACC 22 CRIT
Practical (Lessen costs): 31 CRIT 23 DET 22 ACC

Brainless DPS: 31 DET 44 CRIT
Brainless DPS (lessen costs): Doesn’t exist

Yoshimitsu Novus melds are part of the no-brainer relic pile.

Waiting for FC input!

Mahiko San’s preference: Practical – SS is a junk stat on NIN as well. There’s not much else to say. If you’ve got the gil – this is the meld for your Yoshimitsu.

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Gae Bolg Novus Stats Melding

Practical: 31 DET 22 ACC 22 CRIT
Practical (Lessen costs): 30 CRIT 23 DET 22 ACC

Brainless DPS: 31 DET 44 CRIT
Brainless DPS (lessen costs): Doesn’t exist

Gae Bolg Novus melds are part of the no-brainer relic pile.

Eirlys Castillo ‘s (Official FC Dragoon!) Novus: (Practical)

Explanation for 31-22-22 Gae Bolg melding

(1) Reasons for maxing Det: Det is the most crucial substat for most classes. While crit is nice, an increase in det is a 100% increase in DPS, no matter how minor. Therefore maxing the Det component is something most would consider wise to do.

(2) Reasons for 22-22: The most important reason someone would want to meld 22-22 for the remaining 44 allowances is because 22 is the key number you want the substat to be at. For every 22 points into a substat, each upgrade will increase said substat by 1 point. Anything below 22 will remain that at that value through upgrades. Going 22-22 also means you don’t have to meld IV materias, which means there’s no chance of wasting copious amounts of gil.

(3) Reasons crit-acc: Crit is the next most important substat, some might argue it equally as important or even more so, but personally I think its Det>Crit for the reason stated in (1).

Accuracy is probably the most important substat for any non-healer class. Without sufficient accuracy, you risk missing which results in a massiva DPS loss, especially if it’s one of the big hits (Full thrust, Jump, etc.). While the i130 BiS list already has sufficient accuracy for T13 flanks, having spare accuracy on your weapon means more flexibility for BiS lists in the event of new equipment, especially accessories, being released (e.g. A crit-det ring)

Skill speed is definitely out of the question as it does nothing but help clip your DoTs, which means it’s actually a DPS loss.

Mahiko San’s preference: Practical – Since SS is a junk stat on Gae Bolg most of the time, this is the most feasible build. As always, if low on gil, do the lessen cost one.

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Stardust Rod Novus Stats Melding

Practical: 44 Spell Speed 22 ACC 9 DET
Practical (lessen costs): 31 Spell Speed, 22 ACC, 22 DET

Brainless DPS: 44 Spell Speed 31 DET
Brainless DPS (lessen costs): 31 Spell Speed 22 DET 22 CRIT

There’s almost NO WAY you can mess up a Stardust Rod Novus melding – all stats CAN be used by BLM.

Waiting for FC input!

Mahiko San’s preference: Practical – The sheer power of Spell Speed when stacked cannot be ignored on BLM’s. 44 SS is extremely potent! The lessen costs variant is still very good for your Stardust Rod.

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Veil of Wiyu Novus Stats Melding

Practical: 31 DET, 22 ACC 22 CRIT
Practical (lessen costs): 30 CRIT, 23 DET 22 ACC

As long as there’s no Spell Speed – we’re happy.

Brainless DPS: 44 CRIT 31 DET
Brainless DPS (lessen costs): Doesn’t exist.

I’ll say it once, I’ll say it again… Say no to Spell Speed on SMN. These melds look very similar to the Melee Relics, ey? Again since Summoners are severely limited by mana AND Spell Speed scales horribly on them – it should NEVER appear on your Veil of Wiyu.

Waiting for FC input!

Mahiko San’s preference: Practical – Veil of Wiyu should never had Spell Speed melded… If gil isn’t a factor this should be your relic stats. The lessen cost alternative is always there if you’re a little low on gil.

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Remember, these are just recommendations and you can meld however you want or tweak these builds to your liking! Good luck farming Alex, and finishing your Novus Relic! Hurry up and get to Nexus and get depressed farming lights!

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FFXIV Turn 13: Bahamut Prime Strategy Guide

Turn 13: Bahamut Prime Strategy Guide! EARN your Final Witness title! Enter Heavensward as a KING and not a CHUMP! Let our T13 Guide help YOU!

   SO! You’re finally here! Turn 13 – the final boss of 2.0… Bahamut Prime! Let our turn 13 guide help you get past this unbelievably epic trial! Like Samuel L Jackson always says, “Hold on to yer butts!”. After thirteen turns of struggle – and an endless grind for tomestones… Bahamut Prime stands as your final challenge. Begin your journey into Heavensward as a Final Witness.

Page 1: Pull to 52% (First Divebomb) | Page 2: “Zoo”, Akh Morn

Bahamut Prime: Phase 1

Megaflare: Megaflare is a multi-part skill. Lets see what happens step by step:
1) a random number of people in your party get tagged by Megaflare initial damage. This is AoE (Spread out, don’t hug your partymembers)
2) Those not hit by the initial AoE become “Friends“. Friends are marked by a ring around them.
3) 3 random people get a large circular ground effect under them. This explodes after some time – GTFO (dont put many these in the melee/stack zones)
4) ALL FRIENDS MUST UNITE (stack on top of each other), or else bad things happen. IE, Death.

As a general reminder: Succor > Split > No Hugs > Friends Unite > Medica II > Prepare for a Flame Breath

Flatten: Flatten is the early T13 tank buster. It deals HEAVY damage. Tank must mitigate this, to be safe. Healers must always shield this. To make matters worse, flatten is always followed by FOUR FLAME BREATH in phase 1.

Flame Breath: Massive elemental damage cleave. Happens many, many times during the fight and is something you should get used to ASAP. Your healers shouldn’t “be surprised” by this as you progress with learning the fight.

So here’s what happens: Megaflare > Flamebreath > Flatten > Flamebreath x4. Your MT must be healthy because the Flamebreath before Flatten CAN be lethal if you slacked on regens and got some unlucky hits. Make sure you guys prepare for that first of all. After that first one, the long flatten channel time begins. Stoneskin and Adloquium should be cast on tank. Once flatten completes, precast cures and physics to prepare for the next 4 Flame Breaths. Don’t just spam Cure II and Adlo here… save some mana by adjusting the cure needed depending on how heavy the damage is.

Tanks should ALWAYS spend a mitigation skill here if available.

Earthshaker: Chooses two random people between all DPS and Offtank. After a short delay Bahamut will fire lasers that damage everyone in its path, towards each selected person. Upon each impact, a pool of sludge remains – this happens 3 times. Standing on sludge will WRECK you for 3k a second so it’s not a good idea. Maximize efficiency by having each guy line up the sludge in opposite corners. Healing? This does physical damage. Healing this can easily go sour if you time it incorrectly. Channeling your heal right after the marker disappears is generally a safe timing. The safest rotation would be WHM: Cure II, Cure I, Regen. SCH: Adlo, Physick, Physick. Each healer should choose which “side” they’re going to heal. The afflicted guys, of course, have to travel to opposite sides quickly.

at 75% Gigaflare signals the phase change. This does an extreme amount of damage. Arcanist Virus should be SAVED for this and make sure there is no antibody. Get everyone up to full, Cure 3 if needed. Succor and Soil – hope for the best. Casting Succor at 76% prevents alot of BS. He may cancel his Flatten Combo just to phase – be wary of this combo. Make sure your Scholars Virus finger is fast.

A Note on Gigaflare: Gigaflare has a notoriously late check in our experience. a really late virus doesn’t actually reduce the damage. Same with succor shields… often times Giga goes off with our Galvanize intact. Counter this by pre-empting it more than you’re used to.

Bahamut Prime Phase 1 Rotation:
Megaflare, Flatten Combo, Earthshaker, (Repeat until 75%), Gigaflare -> Phase 2

Rotation Prime Phase 1 Rotation with Flamebreath:
Megaflare, Flamebreath, Flatten, Flamebreath x4, Earthshaker, Flamebreath (Repeat until 75%), Gigaflare -> Phase 2

All of these skills happen in different occasions in the fight. Get used to them ASAP cause you’ll be seeing them for a loooooooong time. On to phase 2: Balls.


Bahamut Prime: Phase 2 Balls

Adds (Shadow Of Meracydia): Hard hitting, each add should be virused (pref BLM or WHM). Two sources of Virus can tag all 3 dragons (You’ll be seeing 3 of these before phasing btw). These adds should be dragged all the way across from Bahamut, otherwise a tether forms between them and gives DEF+ and DMG+ to both of ’em. Do not want. These guys spawn around 1 minute apart from each other. Rouse and Divine Seal line up perfectly with this so keep it in mind.

Before we go any further, you WANT to use up your limit break sometime during this phase. Melee LB on bahamut is recommended. Use your judgment on this one. The idea is to wipe your LB bar sometime in the middle of P2. Melee LB1 or 2, either or – the reason is you need LB3 for Last Bastion later on, and don’t wanna waste excess LB. Using Eye for an Eye on Bahamut when each add spawns is a good practice, too.

Flare Star: spawns 1-3 “balls” that have to be picked up by raidmemers. These balls are tethered to somewhen upon spawning, and will slowly travel towards them. After a short period of time the balls rush. They can spawn randomly in sets of 1,2,3 or 4 – but will always total to 7 per total rotation. Each ball gives a stack of STACKNAME, increasing damage dealt by a skill later on – Bahamuts Rage. Taking 3 balls is pretty much lethal for a non-tank. 2 balls is still risky – and extra attention will be needed to survive Bahamuts Rage. (more on this later)

Megaflare upgrade – Tower: Each Megaflare now comes with a tower. This tower spawns on a random raidmember before friends explode. The tower must be absorbed by somebody, taking moderate damage. If you fail to do so, massive AoE damage and partywide Bleeding debuff WILL CAUSE A WIPE. Note that you have to stay in the tower until you HEAR the explosion and SEE the visual effect. Just standing there as it disappears won’t cut it – better safe than sorry. It is unadvisable for friends to absorb towers – this can be fatal depending on composition and HP. (TIP) Healers shielding themselves before mega can have massive value. If healer is a friend, and tower spawns under you – you might have to move out and cancel your own cast (which is integral at this point). If you’re shielded, you can safely survive Friends + Tower combo – and fire your heal off.

Bahamuts Rage: This skills damage goes up for each Flare Star ball you ate. 1 is pretty standard, and you shouldn’t really worry about it. TWO is pretty heavy. BLM Apocatastasis is the best way to ensure someone with a 2-stack lives. Otherwise, full HP and shields would be good. Sacred Soil is some value here, since it happens right after megaflare. The main reason Rage is lethal is because your party will likely be damaged from the previous Megaflare. Stacking up for Cure III is the most value you’re gonna get from MP (ratio wise)

Think of this phase as 3 rotations. Each rotation will have an add, 7 total flarestar balls (3 times cast), megaflare and rage! Just survive this rotation thrice and you’re good!

at 52% Gigaflare signals the phase change. Mitigate it the same way as P1 Giga. Virus is essential, full HP, Succor/Shield. If it’s your first time past this phase – you will wipe to divebombs in about 10 seconds. There is a sucky way to phase which you should avoid. Having him phase with the combination of “Mega, Rage, Giga” is extremely painful. DPS harder to avoid this – Potions, Melee LB, etc…

Bahamut Prime Phase 2 Rotation:
Add, Flare Star, Flare Star, Flatten, Flare Star, Megaflare, Bahamuts Rage (Repeat until 52%), Gigaflare -> Phase 3

Bahamut Prime Phase 2 Rotation (With Flamebreath):
Add, Flare Star, Flame Breath, Flare Star, Flatten, Flame Breath, Flare Star, Megaflare, Flame Breath, Bahamuts Rage (Repeat until 52%), Gigaflare -> Phase 3

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Page 1: Pull to 52% (First Divebomb) | Page 2: “Zoo”, Akh Morn